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Cars And Drivers at Targa Tasmania – Funny Moments

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Racing Car Drivers are a different Breed!

Today was our last day of pimping the Mazda MX5 around Tasmania – a car which has been a great drive, and hence it was also the last day of the Targa Tasmania. I’ll write something about the MX5 a bit later that won’t be too serious!

After having a few outstanding Tasmanian beers the night before, it was awesome that today was a relatively slack day driving wise. There was a lot of activity happening in Hobart, and a buzz awaiting the arrival of the Targa Tasmania fleet.

This created a great opportunity to check out the lunch break at nearby New Norfolk – which was basically a petrol heads most erotic dream, with millions of dollars worth of Cars and Drivers in the one place:

Cars And Drivers

Once again, say hi to Mazda and Mazda Motorsport on TwitterFacebook and Youtube.

The Drive to New Norfolk

Just outside of New Norfolk, there is a big stump of one of the tallest trees in the world – the Mountain Ash, or Eucalyptus regnans for the botanists out there.

This specimen would make a few toothpicks:

Worlds Tallest Tree

Racing Car Driver interviews

I even managed to catch up with two legends of Australian Motor Sport – Jim Richards and Dick Johnson – who has driven for Mazda previously.

This interview includes a description of some funny moments that happen on the Targa Tasmania including being ‘flashed’ at by female spectators on the side of the road.

Here it is:


Well that’s it from me from blogging on the road, but there’s a lot of other funny material generated from this great trip, so stay tuned for more updates.

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Targa Tasmania was great – and there’s a few funny travel photos about to come out a bit later – not just Cars and Drivers!

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3 thoughts on “Cars And Drivers at Targa Tasmania – Funny Moments”

  1. Avatar Of Targa Tragic

    Ha ha! I’m surprised Dick Johnson managed to stay on the road when he was ‘flashed’! I know this has happened to other drivers and they’ve lost races because of it!

  2. Avatar Of Chris

    Sounds like a great event! I will see I can get there for next years event after I finish the rest of my Australia trip…how are the Tasmanian beers? I love a James Boag.

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