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Water Buffalo Transport. Zero to 1 km/hr in 10 hours!

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Howdy. Today’s funny, but rather cool travel photo is about water buffalo!

Water buffalo (scientific name Bubalus bubalis) are an Asian species of beast that are pretty important in rural areas. They’re used for all sorts of purposes, including preparing rice fields, being a source of milk and meat, and of course, a vital form of getting around the place!

You’ll see them all over Asia. And if you are in the Northern Territory in Australia, you might see them there too because they’re an introduced species – and they sometimes cause a lot of damage in an area they’re not normally supposed to be in. They don’t occur in the Road Trains of Australia!

But in the Philippines, it looks like the water buffalo is used as a form of transport to get you from Point A to B… very slowly..

Unlike the Jeepneys you’ll see which are ubiquitous there and zoom all around the islands!

Anyway, my mate who is travelling around the Philippines didn’t need a really fast shutter speed when the below image caught his eye!

Asian Water Buffalo Transport!

What a great photo! I really envy this guy! Looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world!

Asian Water Buffalo Philippines

Water Buffalo – a more relaxing transport option in the Philippines!

Yeah, there’s nothing like taking it easy, just like the buffalo rides in Vietnam!

My mate has been hanging around on the island of Camiguin which looks like paradise on earth, and it looks like the place runs on ‘Island time’. Whenever things happen, they happen!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Philippines Floods 2009 - Health And Safety Photo Of The Week

More stuff from the Philippines:

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5 thoughts on “Water Buffalo Transport. Zero to 1 km/hr in 10 hours!”

  1. Avatar Of Kesari

    In Asian county you will see buffalo on most of the places. Plains Indians used every part of the buffalo to help them survive. Their hides were used for clothing, blankets and shelters, meat was used for food, and bones were used for tools and toys. Horns were used for cups and spoons while tendons were used for thread and bowstrings.

  2. Avatar Of Liam Rocks

    Hahaha, you remind my teen old days of my village time, when I used to play as the same. Thanks for reminding me of my old days. Thanks and keep on sharing such information. Keep on writing bro

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