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Arc De Triomphe Facts in Paris France – Crazy Traffic Video

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On my recent visit to Paris in France with Rail Europe, I experienced the joy that is involved in a bus ride around one of Paris’ most famous monuments – the Arc De Triomphe – which is one of the world’s most chaotic car rides that’s up there with the Worst Drivers In The World!

The Arc De Triomphe was constructed in the early 1800s to commemorate the soldiers that fought and died for France during the revolution and Napoleonic Wars and is located on the western end of the Champs Elysees. The Arc De Triomphe is heavily pimped during the last day of Le Tour De France, one of the world’s most famous bike races, where images of Paris and beamed all around the world. Actually, the Tour De France is probably the world’s longest tourist promotion, which lasts around three weeks!

Arc De Triomphe Facts – Crazy Traffic Explained!

Arc De Triomphe Paris France Photos Pictures Crazy Traffic Etoile Tour De France

However, traffic is excluded from the Arc De Triomphe area during this last day, and unfortunately doesn’t show how chaotic the stretch of road surrounding this monument can be. Based on my experience, there doesn’t seem to be any road rules for driving who dare to risk their lives on the Etoile – the stretch of road associated with the Arc.

Anyway, there are 12 entry and exit points, and no designated lanes on the Etoile. This situation causes an extreme state of chaos. And hence, no insurance company will pay out any claim if a car has an accident when circling the Arc De Triomphe – even if you hold comprehensive car insurance!

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Arc De Triomphe – Video Footage

I went on an open bus trip around Paris, which includes a ride around the Arc De Triomphe. I took this opportunity to record the crazy traffic there!

Note, focus on just one car to see how it weaves chaotically in and out of the other cars and you will get the idea!

More Arc De Triomphe Stuff

See Building World Landmarks – Arc d’ Triomphe.

See more at my list of French Swear Words, Slang and Expletives because you will use them on the Arc de Triomph!

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4 thoughts on “Arc De Triomphe Facts in Paris France – Crazy Traffic Video”

  1. Avatar Of Anila

    Friends have just come back from Paris and I implored them to take the Eurostar and explore on foot but instead they drove and spent several hours getting in and out of Paris – particularly this traffic hotspot. C’est fou!

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