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Airline Commercials and Advertising – Taking Advantage of Political Events

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Airline Commercials and Advertising Fun!

We usually take notice of Airline Commercials and Advertising when there are some crazy deals to fly somewhere for less than a meal. Sometimes, it’s more expensive to get to the airport than to take an actual flight! When these deals come out, sometimes eager travellers go straight to the airline website in a good attempt to melt it down when they are bored at work saving up for their next trip.

Anyway, in amongst the World Cup action that’s been happening in South Africa, some of you might have noticed that Australia recently had a change of leadership, and has it’s first ever female Prime Minister. This is pretty momentous occasion in Australian political history, as no sitting Prime Minister has been challenged and defeated within their first term.

I won’t go too much into the politics (by the way, politics is made up of 2 words – poli = many, tics = blood sucking creatures), but the former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, was challenged by Julia Gillard after a lot of back room maneuvers which have caused political reporters here to go a bit silly and cause political coverage saturation on all of the news networks.

There was loads of speculation before the leadership challenge, but check out this Airline Advertisement that appeared in  a local newspaper on the day of the leadership change! That’s right, someone knew what was going on!

Note: the picture of the guy here is the now former Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd!

Airline Commercials And Advertising - Political Events Kevin Rudd Leadership Challenge

Anyway, some marketing/advertising manager had this ready to roll pretty quickly, so I thought this was a pretty funny example of Airline Commercials and Advertising.

Only in Australia!

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More Airline Commercial Stuff

I’m not sure if this Airline Commercial and Advertising technique appeared in Airline Marketing and Management, but maybe it should!

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2 thoughts on “Airline Commercials and Advertising – Taking Advantage of Political Events”

  1. Avatar Of Daniel Rose

    That’s fantastic. I love topical advertising like that. It’s like an “in” joke.

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