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The Worst Movies for Travellers of All Time (so far)!

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On this silly website previously, I’ve put together a couple of Funny Travel Movie Lists such as my Top 5 Funny Travel MoviesComedy TravelTravel Films With A Laugh, Tom Hanks travel movies, and even some funny time travel movies.

Predictably, these movies focus on the more humourous side of travelling – including the things that go wrong on road trips.

But this time, I’ve put a together a short list of the Worst Movies for Travellers out there. Well, from my perspective anyway!

Some of these movies are downright terrible, or they’re that bad that they’re good, or they might just awesome movies that show a less glamourous side of travel, hence making you feel just that little bit disturbed by them!

Anyway, here they are!

The Worst Movies for Travellers – for a number of reasons!

Snakes On A Plane

Remarkably, the title of this movie is also the entire plot at the same time! Snakes On A Plane copped a hammering by the critics all over the place, but it could possibly be the best worst movie of all time – right up there with Sharknado.

Snakes On A Plane

The basic gist of this movie is that an FBI agent takes on a plane full of poisonous snakes that have been deliberately released to kill a witness being flown to testify against a mob boss.

Hollywood tends to dish up some convoluted plot lines, and this one is right up there on the list. Actually, this movie is fine if you are looking for some cheesy B grade entertainment and don’t take it too seriously!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Comedy Travel: More Travel Movies With A Laugh!

Into The Wild

I actually loved this movie – and it rightly received a lot of critical acclaim because it’s a great story. I usually like any movie based on a true story.

But what makes Into The Wild a bad movie for travellers is that learning that poor botanical skills can lead to certain death if you feel the need to escape society permanently and live like a hermit and you only have a choice between poisonous and non-poisonous berries to give you sustenance.

Into The Wild - Poster

Not for those wanting to escape society to start a new life in the sticks!

Space Virgins From The Planet Sex

I saw this movie on the TV when I stayed up late one night.

Holy crap, I thought I was on drugs when watching this bizarre movie, even though I wasn’t!

Worst Movies - Space Virgins From The Planet Sex

The plot: beautiful female aliens capture the best male earthling specimens for mating so they can repopulate their planet. Sounds like a dream come true for every single male on Earth, but only James Blond (boom boom) can save the globe from having their men die from exhaustion.

This movie was cornier than a corn laced turd, but I actually did laugh at how corny it was.

Only to be watched if you’re in a weird kind of mood!

Pearl Harbor

Going to Hawaii and want to brush up on your World War 2 history? Well, this probably isn’t the best Pearl Harbor related film for educational purposes or a history lesson!

Most of this 3 hour ‘epic’ is pretty much romantic slop, except for the 40 minutes of the dramatic bombing raid which is actually pretty good.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travel Films With A Laugh - More Funny Travel Movies

But you may as well fast forward to this part, and you’ll have a good idea of what happened!

Pearl Harbor Movie

If you actually want to see a good Pearl Harbor movie, check out Tora Tora Tora which is based on the Japanese perspective (yes, there are always two sides of the story!).


Like Pearl Harbor, Titanic is a love story set around one of the biggest events/disasters in modern history when a rather large steel ship hit an even larger piece of ice floating around the Atlantic Ocean.

Yes, it became one of the biggest grossing movies of all time, but that doesn’t mean it was a great flick!

Celine Dion soundtrack anyone? (Bonus demerit points for you if you have her pirated MP3’s on your listening device! And I mean the music, not the piracy!)

Titanic Movie

Why is this a bad movie for travellers? Well, if you’re about to go on a cruise, don’t watch this movie. That’s because the movie itself might make you seasick before you board!

I actually wonder if the cruise liners have ever been bold enough to show this movie anywhere throughout the on board entertainment? Now that would be ironic!

Otherwise, you’ll feel like the ‘King of The World’ if your ship sinks. Not!

There you go, there’s my list!

What other movies do you think are the worst movies for travellers?

Share with the world and let us know!

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2 thoughts on “The Worst Movies for Travellers of All Time (so far)!”

  1. Avatar Of Peter

    They all sound so bad that they’re all good in their own way! Some obvious ones here, as well as some left of field movies I’d like to check out. Space Virgins From The Planet Sex has me hooked just on the title!

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