The World’s Fastest Indian is one of my favourite movies because it is a true story of how a complete underdog (Australian Slang for someone who isn’t expected to win) went after his dream – and won!
A few years ago, Anthony Hopkins portrayed Burt Munro in ‘The World’s Fastest Indian‘ Movie.
Burt Munro was a crazy New Zealander who pushed his home made, and highly modified 1920’s Indian Motorcycle past the 300 km/hr barrier in 1967 at the Bonneville Flats in the United States to break the land speed record for his class of motorbike.
The trailer for the movie is shown below.
It’s a great movie. If you haven’t seen it, check it out.
Anyway, one would think that Burt, who died in 1978, would be immortalised in all sorts of statues and paraphernalia and that The World’s Fastest Indian bike would be forever enshrined in some monument somewhere.
Well, sort of. It’s about as unpretentious as Burt was!
Guess Where The World’s Fastest Indian Motorcycle Is?
Here are a couple of photographs of the bike as it stands today.
Check out the tiny seat that Burt would have to squeeze on top of!

What’s bizarre is that the bike that broke the motorcycle land speed record is now placed – in a hardware shop!
You can enter the E Hayes shop in Invercargill, New Zealand, free of charge to check out the bike for yourself!
I guess the location is just as unpretentious as old Burt Munro!
More info about the E Hayes shop is shown here.
If you’re ever in Invercargill, New Zealand almost at the bottom of the Southern Hemisphere, check out one of the world’s ost famous motorbikes!
World’s Fastest Indian – More info
Check out more at The World’s Fastest Indian DVD, World’s Fastest Indian Burt Munro A Scrapbook of His Life, The Road to Bonneville and One Good Run: The Legend of Burt Munro.
For more motorcycle and scooter stuff, see more at renting scooters in Thailand, bucket seats in China, adventure motorbikes, funny motorcycle photos, how to ride a bike with an ox, motorbike transport services in Vietnam, Motorbikes for kids, cow transport and the multipurpose scooter.
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That sums up a lot of our culture. I love New Zealand.
Actually, I agree with you re: New Zealand Culture – understated and offbeat! It’s good fun there!
Just to correct this article, the actual indian built by burt munro is the red indian at the front without the cowling fitted. The bike with the cowling fitted described here as being the bike is actually a replica built for the movie and is fitted with a 750cc ducati engine for use on the salt lake scenes.
Anthony Hopkins is one of the veteran actors in Hollywood that should be given a lifetime acheivement award.”;.
when i hear the name Anthony Hopkins, i always tought of the movie Meet Joe Black.”;-
Great movie and apparently Anthony Hopkins really enjoyed making it. Many of the props in the movie really belonged to Burt Munro also.
I had to come and look at this – I think the motorcycle should be in a museum somewhere, not a hardware store!
I agree with you a Museum . In 2011 i am sure i seen The Indian in Invercargill s Information building when i was backpacking round South isle N Z . Remembering back in England i had 2 weeks before seen the film on TV could not believe my eyes that day i called in for coffee and lovely carrot cake .
Awesome bike and interesting to hear about the modification for the movie – looks like one for the Christmas list. Great post, thanks.
I love Anthony Hopkins this is his best movie. Burt Munro was ok.
I must see it again.
Burt Munro made Invercargill well known and i’m very proud of him every time i go past that bike sitting in that building.He very well deserved the record, Good on yah mate!
It’s a great underdog story, I love it!
It’s not at the hardware store