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Win A Camera From Low Cost Holidays – Go Snap Happy Funny Photos With a Fuji Finepix XP20

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Win A Camera – With Your Funny Travel Photos!

Woo hoo, giveaway time, and it’s a good one – you can Win A Camera with your Funny Travel Photos! (see some details here!)

Win A Camera - Go Snap Happy!

That’s right, I’m giving away a Digital Camera in conjunction with Low Cost and their Tenerife Holidays campaign (say hi to them on Twitter)

How do you Win A Camera with

So what exactly is the Win A Camera competition? Simple!

Go to the Low Cost Holidays Facebook Page, press ‘Like’ to enter, and upload your Funny Travel Photo.

Or you can using TwitPic to upload your Funny Travel Photo to Twitter using the hashtag #GoSnapHappy.

Once all the photos are submitted, I’ll go through all of them and pick the winner, and the Funny Travel Photo will be featured on The Travel Tart so you can have your 15 minutes of fame!

The camera is a Fuji Finepix XP20. Here it is below:

Win A Camera Fuji Finepix Xp20

This looks like a fairly decent camera. And considering it’s resistant to water, shock and freezing, it sounds like it can take a pounding.

Ironically, if you win the Fuji Finepix XP20, you can take even more Funny Travel Photos!

This competition runs for three weeks, and closes at midday Friday 19 August 2011 UK time.

What are examples of Funny Travel Photos so I can Win A Camera?

Well, that’s anything that fits the following categories – funny, offbeat, weird, bizarre, unusual, WTF.

Here are some Funny Travel Photos that I’ve featured on my website previously:

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Weird Sculpture from Dunedin, New Zealand

You get the idea!

Win A Camera by being silly!

So go now to the Low Cost Holidays Facebook Page or use the #GoSnapHappy hashtag on Twitter and you could win!

Get them in before midday Friday 19 August 2011 UK time!

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