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Wales Tourist Attractions – WIN A FLIP HD and Shonky Travel Tart Promotion Video!

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Wales Tourist Attractions – More Than Sheep and Rugby, and WIN a Flip HD!

Keep reading, you might just WIN A FLIP HD MINO!, like the one shown in the photo below:

Win A Flip Hd Mino Camcorder

Before this trip to Wales, I didn’t know that much about it. I knew there were lots of sheep there, the Welsh love rugby, they have a very difficult language to learn, Tom Jones is the most famous Welsh person, and Wales is home with a Prince with large ears.

Apart from Tom Jones and Prince Charles, I thought Wales was the New Zealand of the Northern Hemisphere! But I know that there are loads more Wales Tourist Attractions than that!

As part of this Wales Blogging Junket, I’ve had to put together a 1 minute promotional video about the offbeat things to do in Wales, so you can see my very poor efforts here!

Also, leave a comment on THIS page – and you will be in the running to win a Flip HD Video camera if I win this challenge – which is the person who scores the most comments.

So comment away!

I’ve been using the Flip HD Mino a lot now, and I really like this piece of travel gadgetry. The video quality is actually pretty good for something that is the size of a mobile phone. And it’s not an intrusive piece of gear so you can take footage without too many people becoming annoyed.

Anyway, here it is – my Wales Promotion Video! Try not to laugh too much at the crap editing, I’m no good at this!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering in Pembrokeshire, Wales

Yes, that video still is showing me with two very friendly Cardiff Drag Queens! Say hi to them from me if you are ever in that part of the world!

Enjoy these Wales Tourist Attractions!

Also thanks to Steve from Griffin Guiding and Visit Britain for putting on a great trip! I really enjoyed my time with the Welsh, and I’m keen to come back again one day and see more of the place.

This competition is now closed!

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20 thoughts on “Wales Tourist Attractions – WIN A FLIP HD and Shonky Travel Tart Promotion Video!”

  1. Avatar Of Clare Appleyard

    Hahah, what a cool video Anthony! It certainly is a beautiful country, but that language is well – it’s wild really. It sounded like the speaker was about to hock up a furball (sorry, it’s true).

    Personally, I would’ve liked to see more of the drag queens but hey, maybe that’s just me!

  2. Avatar Of John

    Prince Charles doesn’t live in Wales. Tom Jones, who is he?
    So, let me get this straight. You went to Wales and saw the sheep but failed to see that it was full of NZ Sheep shearers over escaping the NZ winter. Tried to learn Welsh, kissed some drag queens and was so embarrassed you tried to set fire to yourself but failed. So you jumped off a cliff instead.
    I get the impression that you don’t take your travel too seriously!

  3. Avatar Of Dave And Deb
    Dave and Deb

    Excellent Video Anthony. Your editing is great, what are you talking about. so how well can you write on that sheep poo paper anyway?

  4. Avatar Of Stephanie

    Paper from… sheep… poo!? I think that’s a real trip. Doing touristy things are always fun too but there’s nothing like enjoying the little and/or crazy things of everyday life in other countries! That’s definitely something I’d like to do someday.

    Hope you had fun on the trip!!

  5. Avatar Of Pixie

    Sheep poo paper and drag queens? Any wonder you jumped off a cliff!

  6. Avatar Of Em R

    Always good to see some one enjoying themselves,
    too many people take life too seriously,
    traveling and holidays should be about fun.

  7. Avatar Of Janpattersonrn

    What fun you had! and a refreshing attitude, too. I hope one day to come to Australia (as well as to visit Wales) and with any luck, I’ll come back to California with as many wonderful stories as you have. Thanks for sharing your trip with us all!

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