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Volcano Hazards at Garut, Indonesia and Candi Cangkuang

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Volcano Hazards – A Real Experience!

Today’s post is a bit different than yesterdays about  Super Rambo JeansVolcano Hazards at Garut, Indonesia and Candi Cangkuang.

The Gunung Papandayan (or Papandayan Volcano) is located near the town of Garut, which is about 60 kilometres south east of Bandung.  Gunung Papandayan is an active volcano and is about 2600 metres high.

It last erupted in 2002, which caused thousands of villagers to evacuate their homes to avoid the smoke and ash.

Ironically, the last time I visited a volcano was at Mount Etna in 2002 – when it was erupting as well.  So my thinking was that this visit to Garut would be somewhat less dramatic than that.

Or so I thought.

Anyway, the drive there is pretty scenic, and takes in scores of rice fields and vegetable crops.  Garut is a major producer of food in this part of the world.

Rice Fields Near Garut(1) | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

And then, you come across this: the view of the volcano crater from the carpark.

Gunung Papangdan From Carpark(1) | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

One of the Volcano Hazards is that Gunung Papandayan can be a bit smelly up there with the odd hit of sulphur hitting the nostrils.  Sometimes it’s like being trapped in a poorly ventilated room with 10 people who are only on a diet of baked beans and cabbages.

Apart from eruptions, another potential hazard are landslides, caused by the odd torrential downpour.  I’m standing on a landslide here over what used to be a car park.

Landslide At Gunung Papandayan(1) | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

But this place is fantastic, but make sure you take a guide.  The path is not well defined because the rain continuously erodes the land away.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Thanks Indonesia - I've Had The Time Of My Life!

Here are some of the cool shots from Gunung Papandayan:

The Golden Crater

Golden Crater Gunung Papandayan

Bubbling Mud Pools

Bubbling Mud Pools At Gunung Papandayan | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Sulphur Deposits and steam Vents

Sulphur Deposits And Steam Vents Gunung Papandayan | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Whilst taking in these sites, the drama happened when we spotted someone who was shouting out across the regular clouds of steam.

Anyway, my guide Danny told me to stay put and went over to investigate.

A woman had accidentally stood in a pool of boiling mud, and could barely walk because of her burns.  She had not taken a guide with her to show her around the crater, and where to avoid the hot spots.

These guys know where to go, and where not to go.

Note, there was no-one else up there at the time, so she could have been there for hours.

When Danny helped her over to where I was, I had noticed that her skin had already started to peel.

Walking Near Gunung Papandayan | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Volcano Hazards At Garut, Indonesia And Candi Cangkuang | Bandung, Candi Cangkuang, Garut, Indonesia, Java, Pesta Blogger, Volcano Hazards | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

He then helped her down to the car park (in some places, via piggy-back) and then escorted her to the local Garut Hospital.  I assume she was then sent to Bandung for further treatment.

Bule Escorted Down Gunung Panangprayan For Treatment

This is what can happen when you don’t take a guide.

Meanwhile, when Danny had reached the bottom, he then sent up a substitute guide to take me for the rest of my trip!

The going rate for a guide at Gunung Papandayan is about 30,000-50,000 Indonesian Rupiah – about 3 to 5 US Dollars.  I assume that her time in hospital, and the cost to her health will be well more than 50,000 Rupiah.

The thing that had really astounded me was that the substitute guide and Danny had agreed to split my payment for guide services between them because they had spent roughly half of their time with me!

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I thought that was ridiculous – and gave them both more than the going rate each to show my appreciation for being decent human beings.  And I’ve never seen two more grateful people.

So during this trip, I saw the real spirit of Indonesian people – right there.

These guys are just trying to make a living and really make a pittance for what they do.

Anyway, something less hazardous than the Volcano Hazards at Gunung Papandayan is visiting the nearby Candi Cangkuang.

This is one of the few Hindu temples left in West Java and was build around 800 A.D.

Candi Cangkuang

The best thing about it is walking through the spectacular rice fields to get there, with the volcanos in the background.

Rice Fields Near Candi Cangkuang

More Volcano Hazard Stuff

You can read more at Volcanoes of Indonesia.

If you’re really paranoid about volcanoes, then check out The Ultimate Survival Skills Guide.

Air Asia can fly you to Bandung from a number of Asian cities so you can check out Gunung Papandayan and Candi Cangkuang.

Visit their website now and book a flight there!

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12 thoughts on “Volcano Hazards at Garut, Indonesia and Candi Cangkuang”

  1. Avatar Of Chris

    It’s amazing how gracious the Indonesian people are. Imagine if we were like that over here when someone gave us something we weren’t expecting. Its so humbling to be around people like that!

  2. Avatar Of Jennifer @ Approachguides

    What an incredible story! It really demonstrates the importance of a guide when visiting volcanoes – volcanoes are unpredictable and going with a knowledgeable and professional, local guide can make a big difference.

    Also, I love the image of the Hindu temple — it shows the strong architectural and religious links shared by empires of Java and South India.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  3. Avatar Of Seb @ Http://
    Seb @

    It just goes to show how dangerous volcanoes can be even when they are not erupting. Some really nice photos, definitely give a sense of being there and yes there is no getting away from that sulphur!

  4. Avatar Of Karen@Boston Weddings
    karen@boston weddings

    What an experience you had. I wish I could also see craters and experience how it feels to be on top. Sulphur is good for skin disease,can you get suplhur too?

  5. Avatar Of Theresa

    What a great story, it is very interesting and great experience, thanks for sharing this wonderful post, keep it up!

  6. Avatar Of Stu @Mor Manufacturing
    Stu @Mor Manufacturing

    What a nice story, i like the image of the Hindu temple also, well done! thanks for sharing this post keep it up!

  7. Avatar Of Theresa

    Nice post! and your experience is truly is truly amazing,and the photos are nice! thanks for sharing!

  8. Avatar Of James @Cheap Grow Lights

    Oh My!! So sad. I can’t imagine how people find a source for their daily needs if the volcano get interrupted. However others can still have way to earn money through tourism. Because a spots like these will be most visited for those who want a real adventure.

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