Today I’ve got a photo essay for you about the amazing loads that Vietnamese Scooters and Motorbikes carry in Vietnam.
I’ve heard about just how much people can test the engineering capacity of a vehicle, and I was amazed to see this with my own eyes!
There was a coffee table book produced by Hans Kemp called ‘Bikes Of Burden‘ that pays tribute to the form of transport that keeps Vietnam moving! You won’t see any road trains around here!
I’ve featured some gob smacking photos before about Vietnamese Scooters and Motorbikes in How To Ride A Bike – With An Ox, Adventure Motorcycles, the Cat Man from Vietnam, and the Pig Courier.

The main reason that people do this is because cars are prohibitively expensive to buy in Vietnam, but scooters aren’t – which means you’ll see the all of the roads covered in scooters and motorbikes
But after a trip to Vietnam, I’ve got my own pics to share with you – and these all make my Masters of Transport and Logistics, which pay tribute to how many people in the third world go along with their lives. I admire them because they do things that most Westerners won’t, or ever have to do.
Let’s check out what you can actually transport on a motorbike or scooter in Vietnam!
So What Exactly Can You Transport On A Vietnamese Scooter or Motorbike?
Well, pretty much anything. Let’s have a look at what I spotted, and this is by no means an exhaustive list!
You can move:
Entire Families


Pets! Looks Like He’s Having Fun!

General Stuff

People and General Stuff At The Same Time!

Stuff In Boxes

Fresh Vegetables

Machinery Parts



Furniture Sets


Air Conditioners


Party Balloons

Stereo Speakers

Hello There! What Are You Carrying?

I find all of these people amazing, and good luck to them in their future endeavors!
Hahaha yes it is possible to transport ANYTHING on a motorbike. I once saw a guy transporting a block of wood (about 60kg)…..That was harse though, kept falling of 😛
Totally believe it!