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Vending Machines in Japan – Beer, Noodles and Anything Else!

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Japanese Vending Machines – Dispense Almost Anything!

One thing that I spotted my my G Adventures trip were the abundance of Vending Machines in Japan that one could buy almost anything from. And I mean almost anything!

And it’s not just junk food either, like this big line up of Vending Machines which are a common sight on any Tokyo street or lane. That’s right, if you can buy something in a normal shop, you can probably obtain the same goods in a vending machine after hours!

Vending Machines In Japan

Kinds of Vending Machines in Japan

There are all sorts of Vending Machines. For example, how about a bowl of cooked noodles from the Noodle Vending Machine if you’re feeling a bit hungry at the train station.

Look how many kinds of noodles you can choose from! Insane!

Noodle Vending Machine

But this is my personal favourite – the beer vending machine!

Beer Vending Machine In Japan

That’s right, there are vending machines in the street that can dispense beer at any time that you want.

So if you want beer for breakfast – just walk down the road and slot in a few yen, and you’ve got your carbohydrate intake for the day. Or if you wake up in the middle of the night, why not pop out for a quick drink?

Now imagine if Beer Vending Machines were present in Western (that is, binge drinking!) countries. Everyone would be rat arsed in the street every day! The Gross Domestic Product would be halved immediately as soon as one of these beer vending machines was installed!

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But I never saw anyone staggering in the street in Japan. There’s obviously some cultural thing going on that prevents this disorderly thing going on.

It was a real novelty for me to buy a beer can from a vending machine, open it, and walk down the street without being arrested!

More Vending Machine Stuff

For more stuff on Vending Machines, check out the Koolatron CVF18 10-Can-Capacity Vending Fridge

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10 thoughts on “Vending Machines in Japan – Beer, Noodles and Anything Else!”

  1. Avatar Of Flipnomad

    i remember a post about vending machines in Japan selling used panties… real crazy and weird though LOL

  2. Avatar Of Kevin Kato

    Didn’t see any drunken salarymen stumbling through the streets? Try harder!! Actually it is not at all uncommon. (What would be uncommon would be for any of them to be impolitely drunk.)
    I would, however, guess that you were the only one walking the street drinking a beer (unless you were in Roppongi which would be a tragedy in its own way). Stumbling around drunk? No problem. Walking down the street drinking a beer? Faux pas. Wonderful, incongruous Japan.
    By the way Flipnomad you’ll hear a million people say they heard about used panties in vending machines in Japan, bet you’ll never hear anyone say they saw any themselves. Urban legend methinks.

  3. Avatar Of Filip Henryk

    Amazing post, its totally different, however, guess that you were the only one walking the street drinking a beer (unless you were in Roppongi which would be a tragedy in its own way). Stumbling around drunk? No problem. Keep up the good work.

  4. Avatar Of Chinamatt

    Seriously, why can’t we have beer vending machines in the US? That’s reason enough for me to move to Japan.

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