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Valentines Day – Unique Gifts For Him and Her

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Valentines Day – Don’t Take It So Seriously!

Valentines Day is one of the most commercial days of the year in the Western World, along with Christmas Day, Easter, and Mother’s/Fathers Day.  A whole mega industry has been set up around this day (always on February 14), and florists usually make most of their money for the entire financial year in the week leading up to this fanfare of flowers and chocolates.I can hear every flower in the world shiver in the lead up to this day for lovers, wishing that their stems won’t be chopped by a sharp pair of secateurs.

Ironically, Valentines Day is not a public holiday, but I’m sure a lot of people call in ‘sick’, especially if it falls during a week day!

Usually, most people in relationships don’t have a choice to ‘not’ give their partners a gift because the mass promotion of Valentines Day has more or less created social pariah’s if you don’t give your significant something like a rose that’s about to die or some chocolate that requires a whole week of exercise before it’s worked off.

Valentines Day - Flowers And Chocolates, Not!

Travel Writer – Brian Thacker!

But what if you don’t want to conform? What if you want to buy something a bit silly or alternative to rebel against the mega industries associated with Valentines Day?

Well, I’ve got a silly list of unique Valentines Day Gifts based on my (and other people’s travels around the world). But really, this is just a collection of silly posts of items that from around the world that some crazy people may want to consider giving to someone else.

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Whether these may lead to a nice day in bed with your significant other, well that might be debateable, but anyway, here goes!

Silly Valentines Day Gifts For Him

Priapus Statue - Funny Travel Souvenirs, Turkey

  • Natural Viagra, also from Turkey. Ironically, to make him look like the Statue of Priapus.

Natural Viagra

National Pornographic

Truth In Advertising Knockout Beer

 My Nuts - Interesting Travel Photo

Silly Valentines Day Gifts For Her

Finnair Logo

Beauty Salon Africa

Las Vegas Chapels

Balut Phillipines - Crunchy Duck Fetus For Breakfast - The Longest Way Home

Rujak Cingur - Cow's Nose With Peanut Sauce

There you go. If you choose any of these unique gifts for your loved one, you can’t be accused of being boring or buying the same mass produced crap that everyone else buys! But this probably goes to the other end of the Valentines Day scale, or maybe these are a celebration of an anti-Valentines Day!

If any of you are ever foolish enough to consider giving one of these gifts to someone, let me know how you go in terms of success rate by leaving a comment below!

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5 thoughts on “Valentines Day – Unique Gifts For Him and Her”

  1. Avatar Of Nick Rutten

    I’m so happy me and my girl have an agreement not to do Valentine’s Day. You don’t need a special occasion to give someone you love a gift. Just do it spontaneously.

  2. Avatar Of Yeity

    I wonder if Finnair will also award air points for sex changes and full body waxing – also very good Valentine’s Day gifts.

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