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Twitter Contests for Travel – Contestant Types

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Twitter Contests Explained

Since Twitter has exploded, there seems to be an exponential increase in Twitter Contests for Travel around the place.

There doesn’t seem to be day where someone is offering a giveaway if you tweet this or that.  Hey, I’ve even had a few giveaways here on The Travel Tart, such as the odd Travel Book here and there.

Twitter Contests For Travel - Contestant Types

This hasn’t been too taxing because I haven’t been that imaginative.  I don’t let merit get in the way of someone scoring a prize – I just let a random number generator pick a commenter for me!  (Try this one, it’s good!

It’s all about making life easier, not harder!

But Nomadic Matt has a great Twitter Travel contest going – and I’ve even been shortlisted in the Top 15 for a trip to Costa Rica, including an airfare (my shonky poem entry for this is here).

I’ve been shortlisted for some fantastic travel junkets, for example a 3 month all expenses paid around New Zealand –  with not much luck.

Today, I’m not going to bore you with crap like ‘I’m definitely the best candidate..’ blah blah blah or I’m experienced with this blah blah blah so vote for me blah blah blah.  I’ve already done that in my entry!

But I’ve come up with a list of Twitter Travel Contestant Types that I’ve pulled out of my backside!

Here they are:

The Facebook Friender

This person has thousands of Facebook Friends that aren’t really their true friends.  Votes are canvassed by sending out daily Facebook status updates to make sure someone votes for them.  Facebook Status updates are sent out to Twitter, with Twitter updates being sent back to Facebook in a perpetual cycle of updates.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  How To Photo Bomb With Screaming Guys and WIN Your Own!

Facebook | Costa Rica Travel Blog | Twitter Contests For Travel – Contestant Types | Costa Rica, Funny Travel, Nomadic Matt, Offbeat Travel, The Eurovision Song Contest, Travel Blogs, Twitter Contests, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Twitter Tragic

Sends out the maximum allowable tweets per hour pleading for people to vote for them.  Sometimes for days or weeks.

Twitter Addict | Costa Rica Travel Blog | Twitter Contests For Travel – Contestant Types | Costa Rica, Funny Travel, Nomadic Matt, Offbeat Travel, The Eurovision Song Contest, Travel Blogs, Twitter Contests, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Pleader


The Enormous Emailer

Will send out an email to EVERY person from every single email account they possess.  Many times.

The Beautiful Person

This contestant uploads a profile picture that is a professional glamour shot in a skimpy outfit to appeal to the opposite (or maybe sometimes both) sex(es).

The Briber

‘If you vote for me, I’ll [insert any task you nominate here, such as selling your soul].

As for me?

I’m The Easygoer

I might send out a few things here and there, but I’ll go with the flow.  I sent an email out to a few friends which said.

Hey, I’ve been shortlisted to score a trip to Costa Rica.  1 of 15!  The highest vote getter doesn’t necessarily win, but it helps!

It’s really simple – I’m #13.  Just press on that to vote!

Hey, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t life goes on and there will always be another fantastic travel opportunity around the corner.

However, since I’m a Travel Addict, I won’t knock back a free trip either!

So if’ you haven’t fallen asleep, go to this link here and click on #13 and we’ll see what happens!

I’ll try and stuff you in my backpack and declare you as ‘Miscellaneous’ to the Costa Rican immigration officials if I win (oops, that’s the Briber!).

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Marula Tree and Fruit - Nature's Own Intoxicator

Chop Chop!

You’ve only got until March 1 2010!  Thanks!

Also check out Twitter For Dummies!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

3 thoughts on “Twitter Contests for Travel – Contestant Types”

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    Good luck Anthony! We voted for you and hope you win!!! Now I am going to send out a tweet on your behalf to ask people to vote for you because you are too nice of a guy to do it:-)
    .-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..Tuk Tuk Driver Makes a Difference =-.

  2. Avatar Of Computer Virtualization
    computer virtualization

    In the past few months, I’ve seen travel companies jump on the bandwagon with some outstanding prizes. Orbitz, for example, ran a Tweets for Tickets promotion several times last year where they gave away airline tickets to anywhere in the continental US.
    .-= computer virtualization´s last blog ..How to Virtualise your Disaster Recovery – and Why is it Mission Critical? =-.

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