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Tripadvisor – Funny Reviews We’d Love to See!

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Tripadvisor is one of the most popular travel review websites out there. You can pretty much find a review on any bit of accommodation out there on the planet before you take off on your trip.

Tripadvisor Funny Reviews

In regards to the accuracy of the reviews, from a consumer point of view, I usually find TripAdvisor comments to be generally close to the mark. Sure, there are going to be idiots out there that post fake reviews, but I’m a believer that the majority of people out there are honest and will give a truthful review of what they experienced.

What I look for is overall trends – that is, are the comments consistently good, or consistently bad. You can’t please everyone all of the time because there will always be someone who’s not happy, but I’ve found that if I’ve stuck to places that have consistently good reviews, most of the time it’s pretty good.

There was one example where I booked some accommodation without looking at TripAdvisor first, and it was very ordinary. I checked the TripAdvisor reviews later and found that the majority of comments were pretty bad, and my experience backed them up!

I’ve seen a few features floating around of the funniest Tripadvisor reviews that have been posted on the website. I can’t imagine why someone would want to trawl through thousands of comments to come up with them, so I’ve decided it was easier to make up a list of my own – a shonky list of Tripadvisor reviews that we would love to come across when using the website.

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For example, having celebrities leave their comments! Anyway, here goes! I’ve come up with fifteen!

Tripadvisor Reviews We’d Love To See

“Pigswill”  ooooo

‘I didn’t like the airline food on Air Force One, even after I had someone else taste it beforehand to make sure it wasn’t poisoned beforehand’ – President Obama

“I can’t believe they didn’t have free Wi-fi! ooooo

‘I tried to upload 1000 statuses for the day to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, but the damn internet infrastructure in this third world country can’t take it. Sure, the people are starving outside, but they could at least give me 3G coverage’ – some annoying travel blogger

“Not the video I ordered” ooooo

“I stayed in the Paris Hilton and all I got was this lousy night vision movie of 2 people doing it” – Paris Hilton

“Where’s the free beer?” ooooo

“I don’t understand why there isn’t a free minibar where you can help yourself to as many drinks as you want” – Mr Alco Holic

“Dog’s Breakfast” ooooo

‘I woke up to find that dorm was full of hungover, still drunk backpackers who had just too much of a good time. There were clothes strewn everywhere – I’m sure these filthy pigs don’t do this at home. Surely, there are other hostels that aren’t like this…’ – Neat Backpacker

“I’m so tired”  ooooo

“Why can’t the airlines invent something to stop this jetlag?” – First time flyer

“Ripped off!”  ooooo 

“I went to the local embassy to see if they could organise a call girl for me, but for some bizarre reason, they refused. I wanted to rip my passport there on the spot, I was so offended” – oversexed tourist

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“I can’t believe the staff were so rude”  ooooo

“After we had a massive bender with all of our mates, drinking about 10 cartons of beer and about 5 bottles of spirits, we trashed the hotel room after keeping the guests up all night. Plus we all spewed up on the carpet and snorted some white powder off the coffee table. We were kicked out and treated like pariahs the next morning, and we lost our money for the remainder of our stay. Some people!” – a group of really pissed off frat boys

“Fawlty Towers” ooooo

“I felt like I was always dealing with Manuel from Barcelona. Oh wait, I was staying in Barcelona…” – Not a Barcelona fan

“I had a romantic interlude with multiple females – all cockroaches!” ooooo

“They were everywhere – in my mouth, all over my body. I didn’t get one wink of sleep last night in this filthy hole” – La Cucharacha

This place is haunted  ooooo

“Spooky! I was scared s*$&less” – Casper the Ghost

“Nowhere near enough groupies”  ooooo

“I came back after a ripping performance and had to wait at least 5 minutes for the first girl to knock on the door. This hotel is bollocks!” – Mick Jagger

“There’s nothing like the sound of wood pounding against concrete from above” ooooo

“Didn’t get a wink of sleep. The amorous couple upstairs made sure of that. The hotel should invest in some decent noise insulation” – Sleepy

“Like eating a pus filled cyst encased by putrid meat”  ooooo

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“If you like meat surprise, you’ll love this restaurant. Don’t come here if you want to sit on the toilet for a week” – Food Critic

“There were like, just so many tourists there” ooooo

“I had heard that Cancun was sort of like, a Tourist Trap, and I didn’t realise that most of America was holidaying here as well. I should have stayed home” – first time traveller.

There you go, that’s what I managed to pull out of some grey matter somewhere.

How about you? Have you ever left a funny (even truthful!) review on Tripadvisor that made a few people laugh?

Let the whole world know below so we can all have a chuckle!

Cheers for now!

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