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Travelling Insurance – I got attacked by a bear while backpacking through Europe

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Travelling Insurance Silly Story

Today we have a guest post about Travelling Insurance from this crazy character called Bryant from Travelling

Whilst I might be a little bit crazy, personally, I always to take out Travelling Insurance whenever I go overseas.

But it’s usually of the Tight Arse variety and I wonder if I’d actually get any money back if I made a claim.

I’ve come across people personally who have been injured on the road – like the lady who stuck her foot down a puddle of piping hot mud at the Gunung Papandayan volcano, near Bandung in Indonesia. And my sister in Mozambique.

Anyway, here is Bryant’s Guest Post!

A Silly Travelling Insurance Story

First of all we want to thank Anthony for letting us guest post. He is a friend, a traveler, and a tart.

There is a lot to be said about being protected when you travel. You never know what will happen.

Here are some crazy cases when traveling might go wrong.

And why you should be prepared for the worst.

Antartica seems safe

Travelling Insurance

There is an old wives tale that states “Besides the weather, Antarctica is the safest place in the world”.

That is a farce. The penguins in Antarctica can reach up to 11ft tall and carry a wallop.

True Story: One of our travel guides Norm, went down on an expedition to climb Antarctica’s Vinson Massif. It is not particularly awe-inspiring in its height.

A humpbacked hunk of granite that rises to 16,860 ft.  The Mountain itself was not the problem.

As he was stationed with a team off the coast, he saw a group of penguins. Approached by one of the furry tuxedo’s, he was presented with a smack and peck he will never forget.

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As the crew laughed and told the story we only wish we had a camera to record the travesty.

The Sodding English

Another story comes from backpackers in Europe.  Sounds fun right?  Until you are mugged by the “bloody english”. Another one of our travelers found himself backpacking from London through Lisbon to Bristol on the West side.

First off I should note, there has been an explosion of hostels in Lisbon for the past year and a half and the quality of the hostels has been extraordinary.  Instead of making it to Lisbon in a day, Eric decides to stay off the road against an old cottage.

This happened to be a frequent gang hangout. He was mugged along with his friend. Watch, passport, and pack stolen.

Luckily there was a cop 20 minutes diwn the road that took off after the “buggers” and was able to get their passport and pack back.

Unfortunately no watch. That mugger was due back for supper.


Hunting in Alaska

Bears | Travel Insurance | Travelling Insurance - I Got Attacked By A Bear While Backpacking Through Europe | Backpacking, Funny Travel, Offbeat Travel, Travel Blogs, Travelling Insurance, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Oh so you think the States might be safer than good ole England.

Think again.

When traveling in Alaska there is a 60% chance you will be eaten by a grizzly bear.  It is not traveling estimations – it is fact.

Bears are aggressive and love picnic food. It is important to note that bears are not only in Alaska, but India, Europe, and Canada.

They are everywhere, just waiting for the unprepared backpacker to come along and steal your Twinkies and Cliff bars.

We have had many encounters in bears that have all ended luckily in only a missing arm.

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It is better to be safe than sorry.

Travelers, it is smart to know what you are up against. Delayed flights, lost baggage, and food poisoning is just the beginning.

It is a good idea to be prepared with friends, mace, and travel insurance. Grizzly bears, Penguins, Orcas, and Englishmen are just the beginning of what to expect.

Dude | Travel Insurance | Travelling Insurance - I Got Attacked By A Bear While Backpacking Through Europe | Backpacking, Funny Travel, Offbeat Travel, Travel Blogs, Travelling Insurance, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Bryant is a writer for Travelling Insurance and is an advocate of global medical insurance because he hates bears.

Hmm, almost as strange as buying this Sweatshirt – ” Kiss Me, I Am Insurance Broker.

Check out more at my Best Travel Insurance Tips and Backpackers Travel Insurance by World Nomads.

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1 thought on “Travelling Insurance – I got attacked by a bear while backpacking through Europe”

  1. Avatar Of Liz Warner

    the photo with the grizzly bear is crazzy! I guess it’s really important to get a traveling insurance, better be safe than sorry!

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