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Travelling in Vietnam – via Buffalo Rides

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Today I’ve got a funny travel photo from Margie’s Vietnam Tours and Vietnam Cycling Vacation about Travelling in Vietnam. They sent me the rather brilliant multiple pig motorbike transport pic from Vietnam which is a great example of Masters of Transport And Logistics. This is where amazing feats are produced to transport ridiculous amounts of stuff from Point A to Point B, usually stretching the engineering capacities of all vehicles concerned.

But this time, they’ve come across a unique form of transport. It’s of the Buffalo Rides! Just like riding a horse. Sort of.

These two are showing off. Look mum, no hands!

Buffalo Rides – Like Walking The Dog when Travelling in Vietnam!

Travelling In Vietnam - Buffalo Rides - Asian Style

I thought this pic was impressive. Instead of teaching the young ones to ride a horse, why not train them to ride a wild animal instead? Awesome! I’d love to turn up to all of my friends’ places with my trusty pet buffalo, with an esky full of beer to chill out for the afternoon!

I’m guessing that many, many hours of training went into teaching these buffalo not to kick the little kids off their back. That’s dedication for you.

There are all sorts of books around that talk about how to travel in Vietnam, from taking a scooter around the place to taking the trains and buses. But I think there is a hole in the market where travelling in Vietnam can be undertaken by a buffalo.

Travelling around by buffalo can’t be that bad. I’ve spent a few hours sitting on a flatulent camel in the Sahara desert in Morocco. This wasn’t much fun because the camels backbone was wedged up my backside, and every time he farted, it felt like a fart tsunami was flowing throughout my entire body. Not much fun at all.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  The Cat Man From Vietnam - 'Pet' Transport!

I don’t think this Buffalo Ride pic appeared in Ride the Buffalo’s Back.

More Cool Vietnamese Pics:

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