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Travel Movie Funnies – My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies

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Today’s dodgy travel article is about my Top 5 Travel Movie Funnies.

Since I’ve already done features on my Top 5 Funny Travel Books and Top 5 Funny Travel Songs, it was time to focus on the inspiration that is the Travel Movie.

Travel Movies don’t have to be about courageous tales of conquering one’s comfort zones and seeing how the world works.  Often, a Travel Movie can be a funny road trip that goes horribly wrong, or just a complete piss take of life today.

Ironically, if you’re laughing at something, chances are that’s way too close to the truth!

Anyway, I’ve compiled a list of my Top 5 Funny Travel Movies that are ‘Piss In Your Pants’ Funny!

Here they are!

Travel Movies – My Best Funny Flicks!

#1 Team America World Police

Travel Movie Team America World Police | Travel Movies | Travel Movie Funnies - My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies | Borat, Flying High, Funny Travel Movies, Harold And Kumar, Priscilla, Team America, Travel Movie, Travel Movies | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The entire movie is hilarious from start to finish.  Basically, the movie is a parody about the War on Terror – and no one is spared. I think the main reason this movie is hilarious is that puppets are used as the main characters, rather than real life actors.

There’s lots of laugh out load jokes, that one sometimes misses the subtle ones.

For example, the opening shot has the camera panning across a model version of Paris.  The very first shot goes past a Parisian coffee shop, titled ‘La Cafe Merde’, which literally translates into ‘The Shit Cafe’ in English.

I also love how all of the travel cliches, such as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph and Lourve are systematically destroyed in the cause of saving the world from terror.  The same also happens for all of the travel cliches in Egypt.

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The Team America World Police soundtrack is full of original, funny songs which are worth listening to their own.  My favourite song is the theme, titled ‘America, F**k Yeah!’.

Favourite Quote/Scene – The sex scene between two awkardly moving puppets.  So wrong, but yet so funny.

#2 Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle

Travel Movie Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle | Travel Movies | Travel Movie Funnies - My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies | Borat, Flying High, Funny Travel Movies, Harold And Kumar, Priscilla, Team America, Travel Movie, Travel Movies | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

This movie combines the ‘stoner’ theme and the ‘road trip’ theme together.  Harold and Kumar smoke some dope which causes a severe case of the munchies.

They have a craving for the burgers at White Castle, and spend the entire night getting into trouble trying to find the nearest store.  This movie is definitely about the adventure, not the destination!

Favourite Quote/Scene – When Harold is in prison with a another guy.  The other guy says ‘Look at me. I’m fat, black, can’t dance, and I have two gay fathers. People have been messing with me my whole life. I learned a long time ago there’s no sense getting all riled up every time a bunch of idiots give you a hard time. In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should. Plus I have a really large penis. That keeps me happy.’

#3 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Travel Movie Borat | Travel Movies | Travel Movie Funnies - My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies | Borat, Flying High, Funny Travel Movies, Harold And Kumar, Priscilla, Team America, Travel Movie, Travel Movies | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Borat’s character is played by British comedian, Sascha Baron Cohen.

Borat is a reporter from Kazakhstan who goes abroad to the ‘U S and A’ to learn about how Americans can help Kazakh culture.  People actually believe he is a reporter, and you do see some true (and often) scary parts of the American landscape that are fished out by Borat’s socially inept (and usually unacceptable) behaviour.

Borat’s butchered English and bushy mustache adds to his crazy character, who is often involved in some cringe worthy moments.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Comedy Travel: More Travel Movies With A Laugh!

I’m surprised Cohen wasn’t killed during the making of this movie.  Even the out takes on the DVD version could have made the movie itself.

If you’re really keen, you can also buy Borat’s infamous Lime Green Mankini.  Actually, there is also an offshoot book titled BORAT: Touristic Guidings to Minor Nation of U.S. and A. and Touristic Guidings to Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan which is quite funny as well.

Favourite Quote/Scene –the naked wrestling scene between Borat and his hairy obese mate, Azamat, which spills into a hotel elevator and finally, a real life conference.   I couldn’t sleep for days after watching this.

#4 Flying High (also known as Airplane!)

Travel Movie Airplane | Travel Movies | Travel Movie Funnies - My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies | Borat, Flying High, Funny Travel Movies, Harold And Kumar, Priscilla, Team America, Travel Movie, Travel Movies | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

An oldie, but a goodie.  Flying High hit the big time and was one of the funniest spoof movies of all time.  Anything that could possibly go wrong with a plane did in this movie.

I think every single line was a joke.  Leslie Nielson was spectacular as the dry witted, stony faced lead that made a literal joke out of everything.

For example, ‘Surely you can’t be serious’.

‘I am serious, but don’t call me Shirley…’

Favourite Quote/Scene – ‘The shit is really going to hit the fan.’ The next scene shows a literal interpretation of that very quote.

#5 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert

Travel Movie The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert | Travel Movies | Travel Movie Funnies - My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies | Borat, Flying High, Funny Travel Movies, Harold And Kumar, Priscilla, Team America, Travel Movie, Travel Movies | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Three drag queens buy a bus, name it Priscilla, and travel around the socially conservative Australian Outback in all sorts of glamourous frocks, performing their cabaret shows, and meeting all sorts of strange characters.

This movie is a great example of the quirky Australian humour that is injected into many of the movies that come out of the Land Down Under.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travel Films With A Laugh - More Funny Travel Movies

That’s all you need to know!

Favourite Quote/Scene: The Ping Pong Ball scene.  Not recommended for young children.

There you go, there are my Top 5 Travel Movie Funnies. See more at the Best Time Travel Movies, Comedy Travel, Travel Films with a Laugh, Tom Hanks, The Worst Travel Buddy Ever, James Bond Movies and Worst Travel Movies.

More Travel Movie Stuff

What are yours?  Leave a comment and let everyone know!

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16 thoughts on “Travel Movie Funnies – My Top 5 Funny Travel Movies”

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    Can you believe we have only seen two of the five?! Airplane and Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Will have to rent the others when we return home at some point. Really loved Airplane and although I can’t remember Priscilla very well, I do recall that I liked it!
    .-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..Remebering the Tsunami, Sri Lanka =-.

  2. Avatar Of Allison Crawford
    Allison Crawford

    Harold And Kumar would be my number one, what a hilarious movie, I need to watch it again soon

  3. Avatar Of Sasha

    All great movies cept 4 flying high which i haven’t actually seen yet!!! Will have 2 add it to my list!!!

    That wrestling scene from Borat has scarred me for life LOL i tried not to watch it but the guys i was with happily told me the scene was over way before the wobbly bits has stopped flying around hahaha

    You need to add a 6th movie EURO TRIP must b one of my faves of al time and the Scusi scene on the train was hilarious!!!

  4. Avatar Of Annabel Candy, Get In The Hot Spot

    Never heard of the first two before so will be checking them out. Can’t believe Priscilla is only number 5 – not very patriotic of you and such a great movie:)I will add A View From The Top with Gwyneth Paltrow. She’s gorgeous and funny too so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

  5. Avatar Of Hotels Fairy

    The funny travel movies we can think of are –

    Vicky Cristina Barcelona
    The Hangover
    Under the Tuscan Sun
    My Life in Ruins – Watched this one last night. Not as good as My Big Fat Greek Wedding but still entertaining.
    .-= Hotels Fairy´s last blog ..World’s Best Budget Boutique Hotels =-.

  6. Avatar Of Johnmaccan @ Printed Stationery
    johnmaccan @ printed stationery

    I loved priscilla & airplane.I think both are the best among all.I would like to see these again.

  7. Avatar Of Beautiful Russian Lady
    Beautiful Russian Lady

    I like your blog very much!!! Your lists are great. Among this five films, as for me, the most interesting is about Harold and Kumar.

  8. Avatar Of Jonathan White
    Jonathan White

    Pricsilla Queen of the Dessert is a cult movie. It is still as popular today as it was when it was first released. Such a light, dark, funny, sad and very entertaining movie.

  9. Avatar Of Cheap Hotel Rooms Uk
    Cheap Hotel Rooms UK

    Priscilla, Queen of Dessert is not funny. This is real life Australia. Ha ha
    Seriously this is one of the best and yes it is funny and sad. It is romantic, it is beautiful and ugly. I would like to also add another for your consideration – Meet the Fockers series. I can watch these over and over. Robert Di niro is your worst nightmare father and well the rest you must watch.

  10. Avatar Of Top Comedy Movies
    Top Comedy Movies

    Team America World Police, eh, don’t know about that one but White Castle, god can’t get enough with it! I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of watching White Castle over again and again!

    Good post

  11. Avatar Of Simon Coleman

    Oh my favorite is Priscella of the Dessert too! I have lost count that number of times I have seen this movie whilst on my travels. It seems to be shown many time, in many countries and all with the same result.

  12. Avatar Of Victoria Smith

    My favorite adventure movie is Vacation (2015) starring Ed Helms. I laughed the whole movie from their adventures, sometimes of course the jokes were too vulgar, but mostly the movie is cool. Can someone recommend me similar films? From the list I saw only the film “Harold and Kumar” and “Borat” (this film is also one of the best, and the actor Sacha Baron Cohen with his comedy film Ali G Indahouse)!

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