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Travel 2010 versus Travel in 1990

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Travel 2010 versus Travel in 1990.

Travel as we know it has been changed forever. Travel 2010 is such a different beast!

It’s changed so much of the last 20 years or so, that it’s barely recognisable from the beast of 1990.

And 1990 wasn’t THAT long ago (it’s in my living memory)!  Most of these changes are thanks to the internet!

I think the Internet is the biggest revolution since the printing press, especially when it comes to Travel.

So I’ve come up with a list of what Travel was like in 1990, compared to now in 2010, via a number of scenarios.

The Travel 2010 ones are so different!

Here they are!

Lauca | Travel Satire | Travel 2010 Versus Travel In 1990 | Funny Travel, Travel 2010, Travel Blogs, Travel Gadgets, Travel Insurance, Travel Tips, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog


1990: I’ll work and save up for an international flight.

2010: I’ll burn some frequent flyer points for an international flight.

Plane | Travel Satire | Travel 2010 Versus Travel In 1990 | Funny Travel, Travel 2010, Travel Blogs, Travel Gadgets, Travel Insurance, Travel Tips, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Travel Insurance

1990: If you can’t afford Travel Insurance, you can’t afford to travel.

2010: If you can’t afford the snowboarding portion of your Travel Insurance, you can’t afford to travel.


1990: I hope can find a decent public phone box so I can call home.

2010: I hope I can find a place with decent WiFi so I can Skype home.

Mobile Phone Travel Gadget | Travel Satire | Travel 2010 Versus Travel In 1990 | Funny Travel, Travel 2010, Travel Blogs, Travel Gadgets, Travel Insurance, Travel Tips, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog


1990: I’ll call ahead and book a bed.

2010: I’ll Twitter the @hostel so they can save me a bed.

Travel Gadgets

1990: Should I get a portable clothes line or a Swiss army knife?

2010: Should I get a PC or a Mac?

Catching a taxi from the Airport

1990: My Lonely Planet guidebook (i.e. hardcopy) says that I should ignore touts in the baggage area.

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2010: My Lonely Planet iPhone App tells me I should ignore touts in the baggage area.

Minibus Taxi | Travel Satire | Travel 2010 Versus Travel In 1990 | Funny Travel, Travel 2010, Travel Blogs, Travel Gadgets, Travel Insurance, Travel Tips, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Accessing Money

1990: I can’t stand taking all of these Traveller’s cheques with me.

2010: I can’t stand taking all of these plastic cards to take money out of the wall.

Making New Travel Friends

1990: I’ll call you when I get home.

2010: I’ll Facebook you when I’m in the Internet Cafe next.

Funny Travel Personalities | Travel Satire | Travel 2010 Versus Travel In 1990 | Funny Travel, Travel 2010, Travel Blogs, Travel Gadgets, Travel Insurance, Travel Tips, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Documenting the trip

1990: I’ll take a diary and write down what I did each day.

2010: I’ll take my laptop and post about the trip each day, including photos and video and send everything to Facebook and Twitter.

Showing Images about the Trip back home

1990: Come around for a slide night and we’ll show you through the photos we could afford to be developed

2010: Come around for a slide night, and I’ll hook the laptop up to the plasma screen and only show you 2000 digital photos!

Yeah, this comparison of Travel 2010 versus 1990 is only funny because it’s true!

Enjoy your Travels in 2010!

And check out Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel.

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17 thoughts on “Travel 2010 versus Travel in 1990”

  1. Avatar Of Thomas

    Depending on where I go I don’t always take gadgets with me when I travel. I find that in some places it just isn’t worth packing them because charging and getting a decent signal is too difficult. Sometimes it is nice to just forget about the internet for a few weeks and live in the real world.
    Having said that I always book my flights online so the internet definitely makes a difference!
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..Air Stewardesses Brawl Blamed for Cancelled Flight =-.

  2. Avatar Of Mike

    I wish there was a reset button on the NES of travel to take us back to when it was a simple as you stated. The whole concept of disappearing when you travel is gone…I miss it!
    .-= mike´s last blog ..The Empire Builder =-.

  3. Avatar Of Morten Croatia

    So true!

    you might even add the following:

    Upon Arrival:

    1990: Struggling to find public transportation from A to B
    2010: Struggling to choose between the 20 rent a car companies at the airport.


    1990: After 10 days I have had enough of the local food.
    2010: After 10 days still haven’t found a restaurant offering local menus.
    .-= Morten Croatia´s last blog ..Holidays Omis | The Pirates of Omis Croatia =-.

  4. Avatar Of Hotel Deals In The Uk
    Hotel Deals in the UK

    So true, so true. I am happy with both scenarios just so long as the opportunity to travel continues. If you are from English speaking countries it is actually a lot simpler to communicate now than it was 20 years ago; though 20 years ago travel felt like we were doing something out of the ordinary.
    .-= Hotel Deals in the UK´s last blog ..Blackpool Airport =-.

  5. Avatar Of Tc@Jacksonville Florida Restaurant
    tc@Jacksonville Florida Restaurant

    Travel has changed so much. Some arlines are thinking about installing coin slots on the bathroom and implementing a flush fee – no joke. Its just not as fun as it used to be….

  6. Avatar Of Adventure King
    Adventure King

    T’internet has changed everything as you say. Makes it all a bit easier, certainly research wise. Though nowadays you do run the risk of passing chunks of your travel in internet cafes uploading photos and updating your status and all that jazz.

    Smoking on the plane is a bit of a no no nowadays, as is using metal cutlery and making offhand jokes about bombs whilst waiting at the departure gate.

  7. Avatar Of The Candy Trail ... | Michael Robert Powell

    Very funny … and, true. I can confirm this: as I was traveling – overland from England to India – back in 1990. And today, while I still differ in my approach to travel from most of the younger gen of backpackers (yes, I do have a backpack still, and a laptop, cameras, etc) I suspect from what I also see on the road that for your average gap-year / flashpacker / backpacker today, your comments are smack on the mark …

    Regards – MRP | the candy trail … a nomad across the planet, since 1988

  8. Avatar Of Simon Coleman

    Funny, how everything and nothing has changed. I do enjoy the ease of communication that is now common place around the traveling world. Equally, being able to communicate and engage with family at will ensures homsickness is kept at bay. It is easy to shortern your vacation when that horrible urge to go home kicks in. You soon realize when you do get home that everyone is still doing their own things and living their life. We can share our life and be the envy of all of our nine to five friends.

  9. Avatar Of

    1990: I’ll have to send my sister a postcard from the next stop. ( Actually Buy one. And a stamp. And remember to mail it… )
    2010: Just posted a pic to my sis’s facebook page from that last stop.

  10. Avatar Of Heather In Bc

    Well, I don’t even invite them over to see the photos any longer! They can go look at them all on FB or Flickr if they haven’t been to all these places before me – lol. Great comparisons – you brought back memories of those times searching for a pay phone…

  11. Avatar Of Ayelet - All Colores
    Ayelet - All Colores

    I saw this post on your featured posts on the home page. It’s incredible how much has changed in so little time. And about the 2000 photos – yeah, that’s after going through them and choosing the best ones. 20 years ago, it wasn’t only about how much you could afford to develop, but also about saving the film for extra events/days – and it only had 36 photos on it!

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