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Train Stations in Thailand – Bangkok To Bang Sue..

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Train Stations – A Sign That’s A Bit Silly

Today I’ve got a funny travel photo about Train Stations from Tony James Slater. You can follow @TonyJamesSlater on Twitter.

Tony says ‘this is my personal favourite… a train platform sign in Sukhumvit Underground station, Bangkok (Bangkok, you see, is the other end of the line…)’

Train Stations Thailand Bangkok To Bang Sue

Tony continues –  ‘Standing on the platform at Sukhumvit underground station, Bangkok, I noticed this sign. There was quite a queue under it, which wasn’t surprising – especially as I asked at the ticket office, and discovered it’s remarkably cheap to Bang Sue… I hope she doesn’t mind!

Oh well! I can imagine the call at the Train Station – ‘all aboard to Bang Sue!’

Now for something different than Train Stations

Anyway, Tony has published a silly travel book titled ‘That Bear Ate My Pants!‘ It took six years, but he ended up publishing the book on as an eBook. It’s about his crazy adventures whilst volunteering in an animal refuge in Ecuador, and features him being nearly eaten on a regular basis.

It was a best-seller on Amazon – for almost half an hour – and now he’s on a personal crusade to put it back up there! Because then he can afford to eat again.

The Book Synopsis:

So what’s the book about? Tony provided me with the following description below!

Well, there comes a time in every man’s life when he says to himself, ”Holy Sh*t! I’m about to be eaten by a bear!”

Tony James Slater went to Ecuador, determined to become a man. It never occurred to him that ‘or die trying’ might be an option…

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The trouble with volunteering in a South American animal refuge is that everything wants a piece of you. And the trouble with being Tony, is that most of them got one.

Just how do you ’look after’ something that’s trying it’s damnedest to kill you and eat you?

And how do you find love when you a) don’t speak the language, and b) are constantly covered in excrement and entrails?

If only he’d had some relevant experience. Other than owning a pet rabbit when he was nine. And if only he’d bought some travel insurance…

That Bear Ate My Pants is the silly tale of one man’s quest to better himself. Whether losing a machete fight with a tree, picking dead tarantulas out of a tank of live ones or sewing the head back on to a partially decapitated crocodile, Tony’s misadventures are ridiculous, unbelievable and always entertaining. Long before Sky One got involved, there were already plenty of Idiots Abroad. This is the story of one of them…

More Train Station Stuff

Check out Women Only Trains in Japan, Rail Europe stuff, The Busiest Train Station in The World, and No Corpses Allowed.


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2 thoughts on “Train Stations in Thailand – Bangkok To Bang Sue..”

  1. Avatar Of Tony James Slater

    Thanks for mentioning me, Anthony! And for the book plug (say that carefully, so it doesn’t sound like something less comfortable…) Much obliged fella! :0)

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