Time for some more toilet humour, which is a subject that’s frequently featured in this silly blog!
Most of them have been related to the funny signs pointing them out, rather than whether or not these latrines are usable!
Previous examples that I’ve featured before include:
- The rather obvious squat toilet sign
- The humorous how to use a toilet sign
- Don’t flush the ladies things down the toilet
- The ‘No S*$t in the toilet sign‘
- The Korean urinal photo, and
- The House of Curries toilet pic!
Today, I’ve got one related to toilet cleaning!
I guess there’s nothing worse than when you’re busting for number ones or twos when travelling that you actually come across a public toilet in time just before you wet or soil your pants, and then you find out that there is ‘cleaning in progress’.
I’m sure a lot of people ignore these signs anyway and barge into the toilets because some of them should be clean by the time your bladder is about to burst!
However, if you’re a lady and you really, really need to go, this is toilet cleaning sign is definitely going to stop you in your tracks:
The Funny Toilet Cleaning Pic!

Brilliant! ‘Cleaning in Progress. Usually by grumpy old men’.
Ha ha, I don’t think anyone is going to relieve nature’s call any time soon with this sign out the front!
I spotted this sign at a camp drafting event in Rockhampton, Australia which is a popular excuse for a booze up to watch a lot of talented cowboys/cowgirls steer cows around plastic posts in a saleyard!
Whether or not there were actually grumpy old men cleaning the toilet, or ladies saying they were so they weren’t interrupted, who knows, but I’m sure this sign had the desired effect!
Anyway, toilet humour is universal, and I’ve seen all sorts of funny signs that make fun of our essential bodily functions!
What’s the weirdest and funniest toilet sign(s) you’ve come across?
Share with the world and let us all know. Better still, send it to me and I’ll be happy to feature it!
Need More Toilet Humour?
Then check out:
- How to use a toilet – Thailand (very helpful but funny)
- Don’t flush ladies things down the toilet – Cambodia (obey or you might clog up the entire sewerage system)
- No S&^*ing in the toilet – Thailand (yes, number ones only!)
- The Korean Urinal Sign – South Korea (make sure you do the pose properly!)
- The Loo With A View – South Africa (take a dump at a great height!)
- The House of Curries Toilet Sign – South Africa (what might happen if you eat too much of one of their delicious curries in Durban)
- The Literal Outdoor Toilet from Botswana (how to take toilet installation literally!)
- The Soccer goal urinal from Germany (funny, but practical – very great example of German efficiency!)
- The Waterfall Urinal from the United States (how to attract male patrons into your gas station to take a piss)
- Grilled crap in Malaysia!
LOL! Love it!
Yep, it totally worked!