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The Largest Tree In The World – The General Sherman Tree

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The Largest Tree In The World – Sequioas of California

If you’re looking for The Largest Tree In The World, it’s called the General Sherman Tree. It’s located in Sequoia National Park, in southern California, in the United States of America.

Bear in mind the General Sherman Tree is not the tallest tree in the world – but the biggest in terms of sheer volume (that is, height x width).

Here is a picture that graphically illustrates how big the General Sherman Tree is! Put it this way, it is a bloody massive plant!

Largest Tree In the World – Some Perspectives!

The Largest Tree In The World

One side effect of trying to photograph The Largest Tree In The World (which is called a Sequoia) is that and everyone struggles to have The General Sherman Tree fit within the photo!

Myself included. You need an extra, extra wide angle lens to even begin thinking of trying to capture the enormity of this tree.

General Sherman Tree

This old photo of the General Sherman Tree with Horse further illustrates the size of the massive piece of wood that would make a few rather large toothpicks to pick out the crap in between your teeth.

Back in the old days, many of these Sequoias were cut down and were almost wiped out, but there are still a few around that today’s generation can still experience – whilst bending their necks at the same time!

Further down the road from The Largest Tree In The World is the Tunnel Tree – where you can drive through one of these Giant Sequoias that have been hollowed out for tourists.

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Tunnel Log

So if you’re in California, check out The Largest Tree In The World! You be amazed at how big these trees can grow!

Check out more at Sequoia: The Heralded Tree In American Art and Culture.

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