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Thanks for everything South Sumatra!

Hi there to those in Pesta Blogger land.  I’m writing this from Bandung. This is just a quick one, because I need to get out now and see Bandung and write about it!

Anyway, the time in Palembang was great! I really enjoyed it.  I really did feel like a rock star there.  I guess foreigners (or bule) don’t stay there too often.

Everyone was so friendly and hospitable, and that’s what I love about Indonesia.  This applies to the entire trip so far, and I the rest of the trip will surely be the same!

Palembang was a continuation of the great hospitality and experiences of Banda Aceh and Pekanbaru.

I was a bit overwhelmed with the attention, especially the tonnes of photos that were taken with me.  But hey, I enjoyed feeling like a rock star!

Here is an example: being interviewed at FeMale FM about the Air Asia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip. And the following calls of people ringing in wanting to chat to me!

If you really want to hear my voice, listen to the radio station because they asked me to do some voiceovers!

The Travel Tart On Radio

And thanks to everyone from the Wongkito Blogging community.

Here is a tip for other travellers – get in touch with them and they will be more than happy to show you around Palembang – and practice their English with you.

They are fantastic tour guides!

Dsc 8002 | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Thanks For Everything Palembang! | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

During my time in Palembang, I was staying with members of Wongkito at a student boarding house.

Thanks to everyone for letting me stay there.

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I hope I didn’t snore too much Rusli!

Student House - Palembang

Anyway, I’m off to see Bandung!

You can find out more at Footprint Sumatra Handbook: The Travel Guide.

Air Asia can get you to Indonesia so you can explore the great diversity of this place.  Check out their website for their great deals!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

10 thoughts on “Thanks for Everything Palembang!”

  1. Avatar Of Wahyu

    We hope, we can enjoy again all these moments we made, anthony.
    Thanks for giving us a beautiful experience…

    I posted “learning from Anthony Bianco”on my blog. I also share a link to my flickr.

    See you…

  2. Avatar Of Lisa Mcguinness

    Hey Anthony!!
    Photos look fantastic, can’t wait for you to teach us how to make tea with egg??? Or bean drink??? BRO… glad to hear the earthquake didn’t hit where you were too hard, thanks for letting us know you were ok!
    We are all thinking of you, mostly in envy of being on a fantastic travel mission. Especially jealous of your radio stint, woah, Indonesia’s next voiceover king mwahhhaaaa…. classic!
    Well, keep blogging and we will see you when you get back to us!
    Look after yourself…
    Lisa and the rest of the gang!!

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