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Tall Ships Sailing In The Bay Of Islands, New Zealand

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Tall Ships Fun Time!

The R. Tucker Thompson is a schooner (that is a member of the Tall Ships class, not a glass of measurement that contains beer) that sails around the Bay of Islands region of New Zealand, taking out loads of people who like a day out on the bay.

As part of The Great Crusade, Qantas were really nice and shouted a heap of us a boat trip for a half day trip around this really picturesque part of the world. If you’re in Europe or North America and feel like a trip half way around the world, then this boat trip is a good detour to just chill out a bit.

When I mean chill out, if you want to go swimming, sometimes the water is a tad cold – for example, around 9 degrees celsius, and this was in Spring! Hmm, a fairly high shrinkage factor there for the men on board!

Tall Ships Sailing Bay Of Islands New Zealand

The day we went out on the water was a cracker – sunshine, reasonable flat water, and lots of wind in the afternoon to create a great day of sailing. There’s nothing like the wind blowing in your hair – or what’s left of it.

Replica Sailing Boat

Tall Ships Sailing Video in the Bay Of Islands

Anyway, I put together a short clip of this Tall Ships experience below. Luckily, no one became too sick to feed the fish overboard so they would appear in my boat jokes!

If you have a nice, sunny day in the Bay of Islands, it’s worth having a go on the R Tucker Thompson. Also, if you sail on this ship, you’re doing the New Zealand Community a whole lot of good. The ship is run by a Youth Trust that helps promotes life skills for young people.

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Here it is!


More Tall Ships Stuff

For more Tall Ship info, check out the R Tucker Thompson website. And see more at The Great Crusade.

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2 thoughts on “Tall Ships Sailing In The Bay Of Islands, New Zealand”

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    We loved the Bay Islands and what an awesome way to see them. Looks like you are having a blast Anthony!

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