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Tacky Tourist Photos. Stupid, or Rite of Passage?

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How many times have you been to a Tourist Trap around the world, only to see a flood of people/tourists posing in all sorts of weird ways to be captured in a photograph so it can be posted to their Facebook page within minutes?

That’s right, welcome to the world of Tacky Tourist Photos! This is where all of the travel cliches you could possible think of end up flooding the internet with more crap that no one else needs or wants!

Strangely enough, most of these tacky tourist photos come from men, but silliness isn’t gender specific! But there seems to be something about going on holiday that makes people want to create a crapload of images that features them in poses that they normally don’t do at home!

Here are a few of them that I’ve received via email!

Tacky Tourist Photos – Some Classic Poses!

Of course, how many times do you think this cliche pose has been struck at the Leaning Tower of Pisa? There must be only a few billion images of this floating around.

I can imagine the people working here sighing when they see someone try and hold up the tower every 0.04 seconds! On no, not another one!

Tacky Tourist Photos

And for the men, a phallic theme seems to pop up based on the object being posed with. Cactuses seem to be a great subject matter to greatly exaggerate ones manhood!

Cactus Photos

Or of course, going to some great national park that has very large boulders – once again, showing how strong some of the men travellers are out there!

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Pushing Large Boulder

Or maybe you get your kicks by being photographed in a compromising position with an inanimate object. Of course, this statue didn’t really have a choice to be excluded from the photo!

Statue Pics

And while we’re at it, why not strike a pose of being sodomised by a massive gorilla. Surely, this one should make the birthday milestones in the future!

Tourist Pics

And back to the phallic objects again. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my day in Washington D.C!

Washington Dc

Just like the silly website Posing With Friends,there seems to be an endless source of tacky tourist photo inspiration all around the world.

How about you? What’s the tackiest or silliest tourist photo that you have taken of someone, or possibly of yourself?

Let me know, and I might even feature it on this stupid website!

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5 thoughts on “Tacky Tourist Photos. Stupid, or Rite of Passage?”

  1. Avatar Of Zainul Hal

    Hahaha… I think, taking picture with unique posses makes like these, is memorable moments.

  2. Avatar Of Kabir Arora

    lol.!! surely these sort images when shown to others creates embarrassing situation but also leaves us a remarkable memories. Funny poses.

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