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Swiss Pension Advertisement – Barack Obama In The Phone Booth

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Today, I’ve got a bizarre travel photo about a Swiss Pension Advertisement from  Jessie from  You can follow @JessOnAJourney on Twitter! She previously sent me a funny travel photo of Nibble Nobby’s Nuts in Australia, and she’s got another weird one for me here!

It looks like Barack Obama has been enlisted to promote this small type of Swiss Accommodation. I know he’s a busy person being the leader of the most powerful country in the world etc, but he still has time to spruik an establishment to house weary travellers!

Phone booths used to be the domain of Clark Kent before he transformed himself into Superman, but these days, even United States presidents are wanting some of the action!

Swiss Pension Accommodation Advertisement - Barack Obama

Weird Swiss Pension Sign – The Possible Explanation?

Jessie says:

‘To get there, take a cable car from Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland up into the small mountain town of Gimmelwald for a dose of fresh alpine air and a chance to see the peaks of the Swiss Alps up close.

While Gimmelwald may be tiny with a population of less than 150 people, they do have a local celebrity. President Barack Obama spends his days snuggled up in a bathrobe in a public phone booth, toothbrush in hand, waiting for happy hour to come so he can head over to the Pension Gimmelwald hotel. I’m still not really sure what the joke is here with this cardboard cutout, but it definitely gets the tourists attention.’

WTF? Maybe Mr Obama used this joint to launch his Presidency re-election campaign! I know he was right into social media, but maybe he wanted to back to old school cardboard cut outs just in case potential voters saw his image in Switzerland.

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More Swiss Pension Stuff

I don’t think this image of Barack Obama appeared in Esther’s Journal: Or A Tale Of Swiss Pension Life.

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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4 thoughts on “Swiss Pension Advertisement – Barack Obama In The Phone Booth”

  1. Avatar Of Kay Dougherty

    I’m concerned about our Prez – all the stress of the office has obviously gotten to him. Everyone knows you can’t get a decent shower in a phone booth!

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