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Surf Fiji – In Front Of Your Resort

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Surf Fiji Steps Away From Your Bure!

If you want to Surf Fiji, apart from staying at the Batiluva Resort and commuting 8 miles to an outer break (see the previous post on Jet Ski Tours), you can also go to the Coral Coast and swim out to a Surf Break only a hundred metres away from the Fiji Hideaway Resort & Spa.

The Surf Break in this location is a right hand reef break over a coral reef. Surfing is possible year round with the peak season between May and September. I can’t surf to save myself, but it seems that this sport is like an addiction for the people who love catching a wave every day.

Paddling Out To Surf In Fiji

This is the view looking back to the Fiji Hideaway Resort & Spa from the Surf Break.


Check out some of the photos of the Surf Break that I took.

Some Surf Fiji Pics

South Pacific Surfing

Surf Fiji - In Front Of Your Resort

Surfing In Fiji

Male Surfers

I took these photos and video footage for this Surf Fiji post from a small boat.  That’s because I’m terrible at any sport that involves standing on a board, and not even a book like Pro Surf Secrets would help me stand on a surf board for more than half a second!

Here’s someone catching a wave.


And someone wiping out! And no, that’s not me either!


There has even been a Red Bull Surfing Competition held there in 2009 that was a big success.

So if you want to Surf Fiji, you know where to come to! But this is only one spot, as there are numerous surf camps dotted throughout the Fiji islands for the waxheads to go and have a lot of fun.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman- Mosque Photo, Banda Aceh

Places To Surf South Pacific

I’ve become addicted to Fiji and it’s beauty.  Check out more at Fiji’s Wild Beauty: A Photographic Guide to Coral Reefs of the South Pacific.

Thanks to Fiji Hideaway Resort & Spa and Tourism Fiji for organising this great trip!

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2 thoughts on “Surf Fiji – In Front Of Your Resort”

  1. Avatar Of Matt

    Excellent photos! Thanks for sharing. I just learned how to surf here in NZ, and I love – unfortunately we’re coming into winter. I may have to settle for some snowboarding.

    Glad you’re enjoying Fiji. Are you finding it an expensive place to backpack?
    .-= Matt´s last blog ..7 Tips For Mainintaing Your Travel Blog On The Road =-.

  2. Avatar Of Rhonda Swan

    Great post…We are at Rydges right now, been here for 3 weeks and are staying for another 4. Love this place.

    Hideways has been turned on last week and so was frigets.

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