Yay, one of my favourite topics of the travel world – BEER!
Today, I have a really, really envious pic from one of my mates who is travelling around the Philippines having a grand old time. It’s quite funny and picturesque at the same time – that is, drinking a Strong Filipino Beer called Green Donkey, at the really beautiful and impressive Kawasan Falls in Cebu.
I think he’s ditched the big city living to take on a much simpler life, and I’m sure that he doesn’t have a watch anymore and probably doesn’t even bother to check what day of the week it is.
I’ve come to this deduction based on a few pics he’s sent me which combines beer drinking and swimming at the same time!
Sounds like paradise to me!
Anyway looks I have to add this to my bucket list.
Kawasan Falls + Strong Filipino Beer = My Idea Of Utopia!
Check this out. Someone is enjoying this view, and you’re sitting in front of your computer…

And once you’ve downed your strong Filipino beer, you can then just laze around in the turquoise waters of Kawasan Falls with the other people who have escaped the fluorescent prison called the office!

Just so you know, like the aptly named Knockout Beer from India, Green Donkey has a very high alcohol content for the amber ale of a whopping 8%!
And just because my mate has a sense of humour like me, he sent me the hilarious Beermaster notes from the bottle:

Ha ha, gold! If you can’t quite read the font, it says that “Alcohol is never the answer.. But it does make you forget the question!”
Well, yes, you would forget what to ask if you scoffed a few of these Green Donkeys in quick time!
As we all know, Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beerholder!
For more beer stuff, check out:
- Sheep Shagger Beer
- Oktoberfest Beer Steins
- BeerNBullshitCorner
- XXXX Beer – it’s not porn!
- The World’s Steepest Pub
- Pub of the Year – Gin and Tonic Bar
- Vergina Beer
- F*%K The Rent Beer
- Mzoli’s Meat and Beer
- Beer Drinking Macaw
- The Beer Tower
- Space Beer
- Beer Vending Machines in Japan
- Happy Beer
- Knockout Beer
- Beer Can Balancing Man
- Beer Cup Snake
- Funny Bitter Beer Label
- The Beer Chandelier
- Great American Beer
- Efes Pilsen from Turkey, and
- The Beer Index – Like The Big Mac Index For Beer
Very good answer-question quote on the bottle Anthony. The Philippines look gorgeous! One place in SE Asia I have yet to visit. Added to my list for sure. Gotta love the place.
Hell yeah!