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Smiley Faces Sad Faces – Clever Coaster Advertising!

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I think we’ve all seen those simple but effective optical illusions of smiley faces / sad faces – that is, one single image that you can flip around where you can see a happy face on one view, but then flip it upside down so you can view exactly the same image as a sad face.

But I’ve come across a different application of this concept, this time, on a drink coaster, which should probably appear on The Ultimate Book of Optical Illusions.

This might keep some techno-philes amused for a few seconds before they actually photograph the coaster and go back to their smart phones to share it with their Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram friends!

Anyway, I found this coaster at Bitters and Love in Singapore, which is a bespoke cocktail bar that makes some great custom made cocktails. They even made the weirdest cocktail for me that I could think of and it actually tasted pretty good, considering that I’m mainly a beer drinker!

Of course, the theme was around feeling way better after having a few drinks, which is what I expected!

Here are the two faces on the same drinks coaster!

Sad Faces

Yep, you’re always sad before visiting Bitters and Love!

Of course, this face looks like an old, grumpy bearded man resembling Santa Clause without his hat!

Sad Faces - Before

Smiley Faces

And things are so much nicer after a few drinks.

This face looks like a young woman with a short bob hair cut.

Smiley Faces - After

Anyway, it’s a nice, clever piece of marketing that makes people take notice of your brand!

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But it may confuse a few people after they’ve had a few drinks! Wasn’t I just looking at a young woman instead of the old man? I must be drunk!

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