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Smelly Durian Fruit – Banned on the Singapore Metro and Hotels!

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This is a silly guest post. Note, I can relate to the Durian Fruit smell, which is pretty feral when you start burping up the flavour if you have one with a beer!

STOP! No Durian Fruit!

One of the most popular fruits in Singapore is also one of the smelliest! Durian fruit is so popular amongst the locals that officials and professionals have had to implement the use of signage, prohibiting the fruit in public places.

‘No Durian’ signs have become somewhat of a tourist attraction, in their own right, as visitors often cannot believe that a piece of fruit is banned in most public places! While many people are insistent that durian fruit is the most delicious fruit in the world, just the smell is enough to put others off completely. The smell of the durian fruit is commonly described as something between incredibly bad foot odour, a dirty nappy – and vomit. Sounds inviting, right?

Smelly Durian Fruit - Banned On The Singapore Metro And Hotels Due To The Smell
You can’t do lots of things on the Singapore Metro. Bringing Durian Fruit is one of them!

Durian Fruit – Banned from public!

While it may be a delicacy to many locals and visitors to Singapore, the government and private business have been forced to implement the banning of the durian fruit, simply because of the disgusting odour that it produces. When visiting Singapore, don’t expect to see durian fruit on public transport or in major public places, due to the ‘No Durian’ signs that can be seen nearly everywhere. Hotels, resorts, restaurants, subways, airports and taxis all commonly ban the fruit on their premises, so make sure you keep yours concealed when travelling around Singapore.

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So, do people actually eat this smelly fruit?

In comparison to the pungent smell of the fruit, the taste is described as somewhat bland, however durian fruit is still often utilised in many different dishes to create a unique flavour. Most commonly, the fruit is used to compliment sweet foods, such as ice cream, popcorn, sticky rice and milkshakes. Most countries that are home to the smelly fruit, also use it as an ingredient mixed with spices, which is then added to many common dishes. Throughout Indonesia and Malaysia, durian honey is a delicacy, enjoyed by many locals – be sure to get your hands on this to experience durian at its best.

The best time for your durian fruit

If you are planning on tasting the ”delight” of the durian fruit when in Singapore, be sure to travel between June and August, when the fruit is in season and at its prime quality. Although the fruit can sometimes be found outside of these months, if you’re tasting durian for the first time, you’re best to try it when it’s most fresh; producing not only the more repulsive smell, but also the most delicious flavour.

With the fruit being used in so many common foods and virtually idolised by countless locals, it’s easy to see that the fruit is banned from public places, purely because of the unbearable smell that it produces.

If you’d like to have the full durian experience, book flights to Singapore today and see if you can accept the challenge of possibly the smelliest fruit in the world!

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Are you tough enough for durian?

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6 thoughts on “Smelly Durian Fruit – Banned on the Singapore Metro and Hotels!”

  1. Avatar Of Joshua

    Geez, I’m a Singaporean and I NEVER heard of durian pizza! Where did you find that Samuel? Pray tell!

  2. Avatar Of Erick

    My business partner in our travel club Brian Dunivant just visited Singapore and he told me about Durian fruit. We’ve got this competition going on about how much Durian the members in our club who visit Singapore can eat. I ran into this story while looking on the web for more info on Durian. He said he liked it, but it smelled nasty and after he burped for the rest of the day it was pretty bad. Here’s the link for the video. It’s pretty funny. James Lee is our resident expert in Singapore and our celebrity judge! I can see this happening more often with all our members visiting different parts of the world and eating the local fare. We are in the travel industry right??? hahaha! Enjoy!!!

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