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Sky Walk in Auckland, New Zealand. Wet, Windy and Crazy!

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Sky Walk – Brown Underpants Time!

As part of The Great Crusade, the nice people from Qantas sent us up a tall tower in the centre of Auckland, New Zealand so we could walk on a platform 1.5 metres up, 192 metres above the ground on a windy day. What I’m referring to is the Sky Walk – a great attraction for adrenalin junkies who feel like conquering any potential fear of heights.

Luckily, everyone is strapped to a sturdy looking metal bar that would prevent one from falling to a certain death if someone tried to play a practical joke up in the stratosphere. I’m not particularly adverse to heights, but long distances above the ground aren’t exactly my forte either!

But the views are pretty good! This is what being on the edge at 192 metres above the ground looks like on the Sky Walk. Yes, the platform really is that narrow, this isn’t a doctored photograph!

Sky Walk Auckland New Zealand

Sky Walk Video

The kind people at Skywalk generously let me use their video footage so I could show everyone what it’s about.

This really does the Sky Walk a bit of justice, but it’s nothing when compared to actually doing it! Check it out!


As someone mentioned to me – the Sky Walk is one of the best hangover cures because you quickly forget you have one! Honestly, I really enjoyed, even the almost galeforce winds that made me feel I was about to fall off and faceplant myself on the cement almost 200 metres below.

If you are ever hanging around on the other side of the world in Auckland, New Zealand, just go and do this – you will definitely have a crapload of fun!

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More Sky Walk Stuff

Check out the official site at If you’re ever in the place that’s located so far away from everywhere else in the world, try out the Sky Walk!


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