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Silver Furniture – Miniature Doll House Extravagance

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Silver Furniture – Mini Me Housing

In November 2008, I was witnessed some amazing Silver Furniture craftsmanship in Yogyakarta, on the island of Java in Indonesia (Java is the most densely populated island in the world). The workers there make all sorts of intricate pieces of Silver Furniture that could be placed into the most expensive Miniature Doll House ever, if you had that kind of money to burn.

The discipline and follow through that is required by the workers who produce these amazing pieces of art is truly staggering. My eyes start flickering if I spend too much time in front of the computer when it comes to running this travel blog throughout the year. But this is nothing when compared to the painstaking concentration required to put together the microscopic furniture this factory pumps out for both domestic and international markets.

Imagine doing this for work every day – stringing a thin line of silver wire into a master piece! No thanks, these extraordinary people can keep their job!

Silver Furniture - Miniature Doll House Extravagance. Tables &Amp; Chairs

But check out the how intricate these pieces can be.  I’d lose patience in about 2 seconds if I was trying to make some of these creations.

And I wouldn’t want to put them in a Dollhouse to show them off. All of these pieces take an amazing level of skill to produce.

For example, the Miniature Silver Cat.

Miniature Silver Cat | Indonesia Travel Blog | Silver Furniture - Miniature Doll House Extravagance | Indonesia, Miniature Doll House, Miniature Furniture, Silver Furniture, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Or the Miniature Silver Furniture.  Note the size when placed next to a cigarette lighter.

Silver Furniture Miniature Doll House | Indonesia Travel Blog | Silver Furniture - Miniature Doll House Extravagance | Indonesia, Miniature Doll House, Miniature Furniture, Silver Furniture, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

You can even buy a Miniature Silver Motorbike that is worth a fortune!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Thanks Indonesia - I've Had The Time Of My Life!

Silver Motobike Yogyakarta Indonesia | Indonesia Travel Blog | Silver Furniture - Miniature Doll House Extravagance | Indonesia, Miniature Doll House, Miniature Furniture, Silver Furniture, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

There’s lots of other things to do around Yogyakarta, such visiting the spectacular nearby temples of Prambandan and Borobodur, once you have bought your piece of Miniature Silver Furniture!

More Silver Furniture Stuff

After marvelling at these creations, maybe check out the Silver Plated Chinese Fortune Cookie.

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5 thoughts on “Silver Furniture – Miniature Doll House Extravagance”

  1. Avatar Of Jimmy Ahyari

    Yogyakarta? I’m at Yogyakarta now! hm… If I see from the picture above, I assume that craftsmanship is someone who is very creative..

  2. Avatar Of Dollhouse

    This is my first visit here. I found some really interesting stuff in your blog especially this discussion. Keep up the good work.

  3. Avatar Of Ayati

    Ya, silver furniture and accessories from Indonesia is great but they not only in Jogjakarta, you also can find at Malang, East Java or Jepara, Central Java. And visiting the craftsman center will give you some inspiration about silver craft.

  4. Avatar Of George @ Dollhouses For Girls
    George @ Dollhouses For Girls

    Great work indeed. Not long ago I found out that a dollhouse is the perfect gift for each little girl. In February I bought one for my Alice (3 years old) and she spends 2-3 hours each day playing house. I strongly recommend buying a dollhouse ! They come in different shapes and sizes and children love them . Quality & educational toys.

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