I reckon one of the most enjoyable parts of travelling is seeing things that are translated from one language to another, only for the resulting translation to be somewhat amusing, bewildering, or sometimes downright offensive!
It’s a bit like the hilariously funny Monty Python sketch where John Cleese walks into a British shop with a dodgy English-Hungarian dictionary and says ‘my hovercraft is full of eels, please fondle my buttocks!’
Anyway, I’ve covered this silly topic before such as ‘funny shopping products found when travelling’ and anything to do with Engrish!
And today, I’m continuing with that bizarre theme with some photos my sister sent me regarding a recent Shopping Trip she had in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
Enjoy the pics!
Shopping in Jordan – The Weird Stuff
First of all, she spotted this in the the local supermarket – some cockies spices.

Shopping in Jordan
I guess that this means spices for cookies? Who knows, just have to open the packet and find out for yourself. I just hope there’s not the literal cockies hiding inside there…
And then there is this – Chicken Soap?
Well, sometimes, you may need to give your chickens a bath because they spend all day scratching around and looking for excuses to lay eggs.
But I’m fairly sure this is chicken salt – you know, the salt that’s not actually derived from a chicken but sort of tastes nice when you sprinkle it all over your hot chips.
But anyway, I might go over there to visit her and mix some Cockies Spices and Chicken Soap together and see what bizarre concoction I might come up with!
Okay, it’s probably not going to pass muster at a popular television cooking show, but they’re always looking for strange and original dishes to inspire the judges…
I’ll just leave that thought alone!
For more plays on words, see more at Russian Swear Words, Spanish Swear Words and German Swear Words.
Yummy. Chicken Soap for me!