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Shit Happens. Funny Plumbing Joke and Pun!

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I think most of us in the English speaking world has used the term ‘Shit Happens’. It’s a common slang phrase that occurs in plenty of English-speaking countries (for example, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Ireland) meaning that events (especially ones that are rather unfortunate) occur every day, all the time.

The classic 1994 movie, Forest Gump alludes to how the term came about. You know the scene – Forrest Gump decides to run across the United States and starts attracting large crowds who seem to think he’s found the meaning of life.

Then one of his followers steps in some crap, and Forrest says it happens.

Of course, everything is true in Hollywood…

Check out the scene here:

Anyway, that gives me a tenuous segue to the subject matter of this article. It’s about poo! Yet another toilet humour entry on this stupid travel blog!

Defecating is obviously natural, and sometimes, it’s all too much for your plumbing system. And when you suffer blockages, you often have no choice but to call out a plumber to do your dirty work for you.

While plumbing may not be such a glamourous trade, they’re definitely needed when you know, you’re in the…

And that’s when you need to call a plumber out. Sometimes, it’s an emergency that threatens to cover your floor.

Now this has got me thinking. How do you market yourself with a message that stands out from the others?

Well you work up a billboard like this. Bonus points for the cute poo emoji!

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Yes, Shit Happens in the Plumbing Industry!

Shit Happens. Funny Plumbing Joke &Amp; Pun!

Yes, I love a plumber with a sense of humour! I spotted this sign in the Queensland city of Maryborough while passing through to Hervey Bay, which is a whale watching mecca.

Needless to say, this sign grabbed my attention. And if I had a blocked drain in Maryborough, I’d be tempted to give this guy a call because he obviously has a sense of humour. Good on him, I like a dose of silly marketing!

For more toilet humour, check out the following ‘crappy’ articles:

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But it is true that Shit Happens in your life. You just have to deal with it when it does.

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