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Need a Screw? Funny Hardware Store Sign

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Today I have a funny travel photo of a hardware shop sandwich board that I spotted in Sydney, Australia which almost rivals the Best Hardware Store piece of advertising gold in Malawi (I love the name of that particular shop – People Always Complain! WTF!).

I came across it when I was walking around aimlessly as part of the Vivid festival, looking for all sorts of things to photograph as part of this event.

Anyway, this sign really caught my eye – I was almost tempted to go inside and buy some screws even thought I didn’t need or want any!

I wasn’t really wanting to renovate or build a house at that particular time, but it sounds like these guys would stock enough building materials to do so!

Screws for Sale – I’d Buy From This Funny Hardware Store

How many guys noticed the message from this sign at first glance? Looks like the term ‘Need A Screw?’ is more at home in the red light districts around the world than outside of a hardware shop!

Need A Screw Funny Hardware Store Sign

I love these kinds of signs that have a double meaning, or innuendo attached to them. It makes a refreshing change to the loads of boring, stale advertisements we’re bombarded with every day that most of us don’t take notice of and ignore completely!

Other examples of innovative marketing catch phrases and slogans from clever businesses I’ve featured before have included ‘Nibble Nobby’s Nuts‘, ‘Waste Management Services‘ and ‘Trailer Trash‘.

But it’s like pretty much anything in life – you’ll always remember the things that made you laugh, because you’re almost certain to regurgitate them back to your friends to impress them!

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Maybe the owner had a bit of time on his hands to come up with this, but hey, anything to draw the customers inside to make a purchase!

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2 thoughts on “Need a Screw? Funny Hardware Store Sign”

  1. Avatar Of Arianwen

    Tee hee hee. I’m with you on that! I think more people should loosen up a bit and have a sense of humour in their advertising.

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