I love summer. This time means loads of swimming at the beach and just letting yourself go in the open ocean. And because I live in Australia, I’m spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing which beach I should laze around on!
But there’s nothing worse than trying to enjoy your summer break at the beach, only for your beach towel to collect more sand than the very beach you’re sitting on. And when sand gets into places where the sun don’t shine, then no one’s happy! Yucko!
But what if you could have a beach towel that actually repelled sand so that you left it all at the beach instead of bringing it all home?
And not in undesirable personal places?

Well, there is such a beach towel! I’ve been lucky to come across one recently!
Check out my silly (but actually accurate) video review of a sand repellent beach towel that I whipped up recently! The nice people at Tesalate Towels sent me one to road test (or sand test) at the beach. And since it’s been a hot Australian summer, I was looking for any excuse to go near the water.
And since I was a recent ‘judge’ on a poll of the World’s 50 Best Beaches, I’m at least a Z grade expert when it comes to sandy places!
Anyway, Tesalate Towels are available in a heap of vibrant and colourful patterns and designs. For something a little bit more freaky, and because I wanted to scare people off from nicking my towel, I asked for the Muertos Mambo design which looks like someone has illustrated the Day Of The Dead all over it. Which is why I like it!

Anyway, on first look and feel, the towel itself is a bit unusual when compared to your normal cloth towel. It’s lightweight, but looks are deceiving as the towel can absorb a drenching 1 litre of water.
That’s due to the Absorblite Fabric which looks like it’s come from sort of defence program as it’s not like anything I’ve come across before. It feels a bit weird (life a smooth fabric) but it does the job in terms of soaking up water and stopping sand from sticking to it!
But here is my quick video review. I decided to really test the towel by burying it in the beach to see if it really does repel sand!
There’s only one way to find out!
Tesalate Sand Free Beach Towels – Video Review
There you go. Have a look, you’ll be pleasantly surprised! I really like the towel because it’s small, compact, does dry you off after a dip in the ocean, and it actually does repel sand!
Going to keep this one in my travel arsenal!
I was provided this towel by Tesalate, but all opinions are my own.
I love the video review Anthony. Good to know it can hold so much water, too. Well done!