Here’s one to add to the myth that Australia is full of dangerous animals (see Drop Bears!) that are out to kill you on your holiday!
The reality is the vast majority of Australian’s live in urban areas and will never come anywhere near a creepy crawly or something that’s going to cause them injury or death. I think you’re more likely to be harmed by another human that dangerous creatures like sharks, spiders, snakes, ticks or crocodiles!
And even if you come somewhere near a dangerous animal, they’re normally more scared of you than you are of them, and tend to move away once they hear your footsteps.
But there is always one sign you should always take notice of, especially if you’re travelling in northern Australia:
The Saltwater Crocodiles Sign!
That’s right, if you see this sign, don’t swim in the water, no matter how inviting it looks!
For example, there’s no way you’d want to be chomped in half by a large croc, even if you think that all Australians can wrestle these large lizards like Crocodile Dundee.
Don’t believe everything that you see in the movies!

Replica of Australia’s largest ever crocodile – at 8.6 metres long! Photo: from Wikipedia
That’s because saltwater crocodiles have the one of the most powerful jaw strengths in the world and there’s no way you would want to feel what that may be like!
You’ll often seen these signs translated into multiple languages including Japanese, Chinese and German.
Remember you’re in their environment, and if you feel like making a Darwin Award list by having a swim in these waters, you deserve to join it!
I’ve lived in northern Australia for a large chunk of my life. I’ve gone spotlighting for crocodiles at night from the safety of my car.
You just shine your bit torch or spotlight into the water, and if you can see the reflection of red eyes looking back at you, you know there are crocs in there.
So if you prefer your crocodiles as a leather handbag, go into some high end Paris boutique instead!
Ironically, if you are travelling to the Northern Territory, the local insurance office there offers ‘Crocodile Attack Insurance’ for $AUD50,000 if you feel like your shonky travel insurance won’t cover you!
Yes, this is true – only in Australia!
At least the signs are there!
But they don’t stop some people from swimming there though!