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Roasted Peanuts Funny Advertisement – Nibble Nobby’s Nuts!

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Today, I’ve got a funny travel photo about Roasted Peanuts from Jessie from  You can follow @JessOnAJourney on Twitter! She spotted this on her backpacking trip around Australia (check out my page on Backpacker Travel Insurance).

Anyway, it’s the Nibble Nobby’s Nuts sign! Not, it’s not what you think!

Roasted Peanuts – Put ‘Em In Your Mouth!

Roasted Peanuts Funny Advertisement - Nibble Nobby's Nuts

Jessie says ‘That photo was taken during an Ultimate Party pub crawl in Cairns, Australia, during spring break. I believe the bar was called “Shenanigans”.’

I’m guessing she wasn’t up for some Roasted Peanuts after reading this sign!

Yes, I know that pub – I’ve been there myself for a few pints of beer! It’s now been renamed to something else, but it’s a popular place for locals and travellers alike to meet and exchange tall stories. And of course, like most pubs in Australia, you can buy a packet of salted roasted peanuts which makes you more thirsty so you have to buy more beer to quench that thirst! Really, it’s just another brilliant marketing tactic to make us all drink more beer!

For those of you outside of Australia, Nobby’s Nuts are well known for their risque advertising campaigns which have double meaning slogans – like – ‘Nobby’s Nuts – Put Em In Your Mouth’ and other suggestive things related to nuts. Honesty, marketing executives must have a lot of fun when putting together the promotion campaigns for Nobby’s Nuts. They must spend hours pissing themselves laughing  at the numerous innuendos that pop up from time to time!

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Anyway, this sign is pretty funny, just like the hilarious My Nuts sign from Taiwan! But it’s nothing like ‘Brazilian Nuts‘! Thank god for that, otherwise I’d be put off for life!

More Roasted Peanuts Stuff!

For more Roasted Peanuts Info, check out The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Manufacturing Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter. Sounds like some dry reading to me and a good cure for insomnia in your uncomfortable dormitory bed!

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4 thoughts on “Roasted Peanuts Funny Advertisement – Nibble Nobby’s Nuts!”

  1. Avatar Of Lane

    At first glance I assumed it was like those Chinese restaurants that don’t “quite” translate their menu into English. Then, I realized it was more along the lines of Joe’s Crab Shack (all over the US). “Got crabs?”

  2. Avatar Of James

    As a kid I always remember saying Nibble Nobby’s Nuts before Nobby Nibbles Yours. Did you do the same?

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