Most of us are familiar with the odd Road Safety Campaign that graces our newspapers and telvisions now and then.
You know, the ones about slowing down so you can be there for your family at the end of the day, or possibly encouraging you to trade in your dodgy rustbucket in exchange for something more safe.
These campaigns are usually commissioned by our governments and they hire an expensive advertising agency to come up with commercials and advertisements that are aimed to scare the pants off us. But over the years, I think they have worked as deaths caused by car crashes have reduced in many first world countries.
However, I found a very simple, yet effective way to promote road safety with a new kind of Road Safety Campaign. One that is very much in your face!
Road Safety Campaign Photos – The Awesome, and Non PC Way!
Check out this display I spotted on the way to Muara Takus Buddhist Temple on the way from Pekanbaru, in central Sumatra, Indonesia.
Makes you look twice, doesn’t it?

Yes, it’s a car wreck from an actual fatal car accident, on display outside of a police station on the main highway.
The rough translation from Indonesian into English means the following:
‘Who want’s to join me? Death is always around you. So be careful when driving. Just let me be the victim. Obey the traffic rules’.
A Road Safety Campaign like this this would be politically incorrect in most Western countries, but this powerful scene grabbed my attention like rabid dog wanting to chew off part of my hand.
Somehow, I’m not sure if the drivers involved were following the Road Rules.

But there’s more – check out a similar motorbike memorial display!
More Road Safety Campaign Stuff
Put it this way, I took notice of this Road Safety Campaign! Check out more at Effective road safety campaigns: A practical handbook.
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I think this kind of campaign is very common in our country. Actually, there is one of this monument (if I could say so) near Palembang.
Road safety first. This should be the priority of all the drivers to avoid accidents. I have found best gadgets to keep you safe in terms of road safety. First is No Nap . If you are feeling drowsy but needed to keep yourself on the road and just want to make it to your destination as soon as possible without causing a major accident. And you have tried all the un-effective strategies to keep you awake just like drinking 10 cups of coffee, blasting some punk music, or drinking some old stuff like energy drink this is the best gadget for you. The No Nap is a small, easy to use, device that will keep you and others safe during a long, drowsy drive. All you need to do is turn the device on, adjust the wake up angle switch, and place it behind your ear. Then when your head slumps forward as you begin to doze off behind the wheel, the No Nap produces a loud, powerful beeping noise that will snap you out of your snooze. It runs on low battery consumption, and its ergonomic design fits comfortably behind your ear. This gadget has been popular with truckers who spend long hours on the road and it could be useful for keeping many others safe on the highway as well. So why take a risk in driving you might not just save your life but start caring for others too
According to a survey released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fewer Americans are drinking and driving, but one in six drivers are driving while on drugs during the weekend. The data was released on Monday from a survey conducted in 2007….
I saw an ad like this in Texas. they actually had the smashed up vehicle on a billboard! It was for seat belts.
That’s a really awesome advertisement. I bet anyone going above 60mph would definitely slow down. Great concept. Cheers
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One of the best I’ve seen. And I do travel a lot and I see a lot of these signs. But this one really gives the message. Great
What a gread ad campaign – I think that it really draws the target audience in and helps to get their attention. I know that if I saw this it would make me think twice about the way that I drive!
They’re way late… the USAF did this all the time, put a car that was the result of a drunk driving incident just inside the main gate where everyone coming or going would see it. They even posted a sign telling how many were killed and injured in the wrecks.
Young dumb airmen and officers still drank and drive though…
I guess sometimes, it doesn’t matter how gory the message is, advertising campaigns like these still don’t work sometimes!
If we were REALLY serious about reducing the appalling number of deaths by automobile accident, we wouldn’t be worrying about whether shock treatment is politically correct or not!
Ha ha, that’s close to my heart!
I like the ones in South Australia…
Don’t drive like a cock
Don’t drive like a wanker
Don’t drive like a knob
Makes more sense in the pictures…