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Rail Europe Trip – French Food, Dutch Liberalism and German Beer!

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Rail Europe Junket Time!

Ever had one of those throwaway moments when you think, I’ll have a silly punt at something, and see what happens? Well that’s what I did recently for a Rail Europe Blogger Competition. I had to enter some tips using a Rail Europe Facebook Application and the potential prize was a trip to Europe with flights, a Rail Europe Rail Pass, and accommodation thrown in to boot!

Not taking things that seriously, I decided to have a punt because really, I had nothing to lose. I decided to enter some travel trips onto the Rail Europe Facebook application, except, most of my tips were fairly silly, and probably useless if you were looking for some half decent travel guides!

Anyway, some of my silly European travel tips included eating ‘The Beast‘ in Wales, going to the Underground Toilet Nightclub, the Mummies of Venzone, and visiting the House of Cheese in Florence.

Well, being silly paid off! I scored a trip! I’ll be lugging myself around Europe for a couple of weeks, testing out the best of European rail transport, and checking out the goings on in three countries.

I have a feeling the standard of trains would be slightly higher than these trains located at the famous train graveyard in Bolivia!

Not Rail Europe

European trains have a lot to live up to, as I was extremely impressed with the Bullet Trains or Shinkansen in Japan, especially in terms of the precision of departure and arrival times. But I’m sure they’ll be fine!

I’ll be going to France (to try out the wine), The Netherlands (to see Dutch Liberalism in action) and Germany (to add a few brews to my Beer Index). Ironically, while I’ve travelled to some places that people who love tourist packages avoid like the plague (such as Kosovo and Kazakhstan), I’ve never been to Germany, The Netherlands or France before. So I’m looking forward to capturing some of the funny and offbeat aspects of these three countries.

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If you have any suggestions, leave a comment and I’d be pretty grateful!

So if you’re around in these placed from around 13 to 26 June and notice that I’m wearing a silly orange wig and sticking my tongue out, come up to me and say hello! 😉

Thanks Rail Europe for the opportunity!

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3 thoughts on “Rail Europe Trip – French Food, Dutch Liberalism and German Beer!”

  1. Avatar Of Keith

    I would recommend giving either the Belgium or Dutch trappist beers a try but would not recommend drinking a liter. They can be a bit strong.

    The orange wig will be well received in Holland if they remain in the Euro 2012 when you are here. The orange wig made me think you were Dutch on my first visit to the blog.

    Have fun on the trip and congratulations on winning.

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