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Potty Training Toilet Tips – How To Do It In China

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Today I’ve got a completely bizarre travel photo from from Karolina and Patryk who run about Potty Training Tips from China!

You can follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They recently sent me the really cool Adventure Motorcycle from Vietnam!

And I have a feeling that this potty training tip didn’t quite make Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right.

Anyway, I’m sure most of us don’t remember the ‘flick of the switch’ moment when we decided to not leave a poo in our pants (or “code brown”) anymore and decided to use a toilet for the rest of our lives until we get too old to control our bowel movements again…

Yes, we all start and end the same way!

But it’s a momentous occasion in ones life – not needing to wear a nappy anymore!

But some places do it differently than others.

At first, this does seem a bit bizarre, but it actually does make sense if you’re out and about with kids and they need to attend to nature’s call.

I mean, you don’t want them to be caught short at a time of need.

Potty Training Tips. Huh?

Anyway, Karolina and Patryk say ‘here is a strange photo of a child with a hole in the pants… In China they don’t use pampers, they solve it in more ‘natural way’. If the kid wants a poo or pee, he just squats.”

Okay, I get it!

Potty Training Tips - Toilet Pants

Yeah, it does make sense. Especially if you’re nowhere near any decent public toilet facilities!

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However, I don’t actually find the hole in the kids pants thing that unusual.

But I’m not so sure of the characters here taking photos of this momentous occasion just so they can flash them up at their kids 21st!

That would give me the s$*ts, pardon the pun!

Oh well.

If you’re really bored and feel like checking out some more stupid toilet humour on this silly travel blog, check out the following:

If you’ve got any other great toilet related photos, send them through and I’ll more than likely feature them!

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