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Pig Intestines – Tasty Offal Recipe!

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It’s weird food time again, and this time it’s a dish made from offal – specifically, pigs intestines!

Travel often brings up some interesting dishes, as I think food and travel are so intertwined. Eating food (and lots of it) is one of the best things about travel. But that means you’ll come across some food that you think you don’t like because you don’t cook it at home or don’t bother asking for it when you go out.

I’m guessing some of this food doesn’t involve asking for offal – that is, the bits left over after the prime cuts of meat have been removed. Things like brains, guts, and other organs that are sometimes thrown into landfill.

But other cultures eat the whole animal so none of it goes to waste, which is otherwise known as ‘Nose to Tail’ eating. I must admit, it’s not the first thing I would choose on the menu, but I don’t mind trying this stuff just to see what it’s like.

Some offal dishes I’ve come across before have included Cow’s Nose and the Chicken Head.

But recently, I had a go at chowing down on some pig intestines in Singapore which weren’t too bad.

This originally appeared as the one on 10 Weird Things to do in Singapore which I managed to undertake thanks with the help of the friendly local guides found on MeGuideU.

Pig Intestines – Yummo. Sort of.

There you go – a mixture of small and large pig intestines, served on a plate of boiled eggs. And all for only about $4!

Pig Intestines Offal Dishes

I must admit, it didn’t look too appetising, but once I placed the fork into my mouth, I found this dish to be fairly palatable. Put it this way, I’ve put worse tasting things in my mouth before! Don’t knock it until you try it!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Canned Food Around The World - Chicken, Fish, Burgers & Mystery Meat!

I didn’t eat it all, but glad I tried it!

If you feel like trying this pig intestines dish, feel free to venture to the Fengshan Centre at Bedok, which is located in the eastern part of Singapore.

Fengshang Centre Bedok

Thanks to MeGuideU who provided this experience, and you can also follow them on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram.

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