Today I have a very unusual travel photo from my mate who runs Curious Drifter (he produces some great travel videos and he’s a travel addict like me). It’s of the Youngest Snake Handler in the World and her Pet Snakes! If you’re after an unusual pet idea for one of your children, well look no further than this page for some inspiration!
This isn’t something you see every day when cruising around in your travels!
The Pet Snakes photo below was captured at the Tonle Sap floating villages in Cambodia in South East Asia – it’s of a little girl calmly sitting with a huge water python around her neck, next to her proud father.
Nice snakey snakey!
It’s as like this really cool scene happens every day (which it probably does!) when doing their thing on the lake. Check it out!
Pet Snakes and Handlers With A Difference!
This girl would have an awesome day at school with show and tell. Instead of bringing their pet cat, dog, or goldfish (how boring!), why not bring in a massive water python to show off your cool pet to all of your friends? You would be the most popular kid in the class room!
And you if had any bullies or enemies at school, all you would have to do is say the snake was poisonous and I’m sure that no one would muck around with you! Or better still, bring in a poisonous snake anyway!
Anyway, from what I can gather, the Tonle Sap lake seems to have all sorts of unusual things to see, like the little girl who uses a washing bucket as water transport. I haven’t been there, but I’m keen to check it out!
More Pet Snake stuff
If this photo has crazily inspired you to go out and keep your own pet snake, check out The Art of Keeping Snakes, and the Zoo Med Starter Kit for Snakes.
Awesome post, imagine having a pet snake. Sure, nobody will be messing with that kid.
It’s a pretty cool pet!
Cambodia has very interesting culture as well people. This girl is really brave. I can’t even go near a snake.
Great brave child.
I love how blasé they are
Yep. Matter of fact stuff!
I guess she’s grown up with them but it makes the hair stand on the back of my neck (I’m a wee bit snake phobic – comes from growing up in snake free paradise of NZ!) I do love the little round tin bowls the kids all paddle around in though.
yep, it’s a bit out there!
I wonder what she named it.
That, I would love to know!
Just make sure not to anger the snake, or bad things can happen . . .