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Panty Shower – Wash Your Wet Dirty Panties In The Shower. The Most Bizarre Soap Name Ever!

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Today’s Funny Travel Photo is from Jeff Jung from Career Break Secrets, and it’s a ripper! I was in tears on the floor pissing myself laughing (Australian slang for laughing a lot) after I first set my eyes on this picture. It’s of the Panty Shower! Yes, I did a double take when I first said this out loud!

What the hell! This sounds like the most bizarre product name in the history of the universe. Not only just that, it sounds like a really strange application for this odd product nomenclature.

Anyway, Jeff says – ‘I was in the grocery store in Bogota (Colombia) this week and saw this. Couldn’t resist getting a shot for you.’

Thanks for sending this in Jeff, I think you’ve made my entire decade!

Panty Shower – Funny Product

Here it is! Have a good laugh! I sure as hell did!

Panty Shower - Wash Your Wet Dirty Panties And Underwear In The Shower. Funny Soap Name!

Anyway, the caption (which is written in Spanish) reads “Soap for underwear. Ideal for washing it in the shower.” No, it’s not a Spanish Curse or Slang either!

I had no idea there was such a product such as Panty Shower out there – or that a market existed! I thought most people would just chuck their underwear in with all of the other washing – or am I missing something here?

Just wondering, is there anyone out there that has ever used this stuff? If so, leave a comment below and let me know if it works, or if it has any other applications! I’m sure the entire world is dying to know, because I am!

Actually, just thinking about it – Panty Shower might be a really good travel product for filthy backpackers who are not located anywhere near a washing machine for a few weeks. This could be the world’s best kept secret for travellers who can only wash their clothes in the shower!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Shopping in Jordan - Spot The Funny Products!

Panty Shower is almost as funny as the World’s Largest Underpants!

Anyway, enjoy the Panty Shower photo!

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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8 thoughts on “Panty Shower – Wash Your Wet Dirty Panties In The Shower. The Most Bizarre Soap Name Ever!”

  1. Avatar Of David G @ Time To Wander
    David G @ Time To Wander

    Its got to be a winner – so much time is wasted “doing your smalls” whilst on trips. I wonder how vigouously you need to scrub a dub dub for a spotless finish?

  2. Avatar Of Christopher

    Are you supposed to take them off before you wash them? And why only panties? I’d like to believe I could use this product even when I’m not wearing my panties.

  3. Avatar Of Rease

    Haha, this is excellent. I live in South America and sometimes the products i see here truly amaze me. Panty showers have not arrived in Buenos Aires– yet!

  4. Avatar Of Maria

    Too funny! Think it’s like a “woolite” type of soap – for delicate panties, probably not for man-panties like yours Anthony. 🙂

    Now why would you want to wash them in the shower? Maybe you have limited water resources and want to be “green” and/or you only have one pair… just wash them while you’re in there.

    Two birds, one stone?

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