Today I have a funny travel photo about the meaning of ‘No Bullshit‘ from Melissa who runs Where’s The Gos? This is a travel blog that’s a bit out there because Melissa carries a cutout head of Ryan Gosling and places it near world landmarks, and often in compromising positions! It’s a bit silly, but hey, good on her! I’ll do a bit more of a feature on Where’s The Gos at another time.
If you want to say Hi, you can follow Where’s The Gos? on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Anyway, she sent me the following silly travel photo:
No Bullshit – Really?

Anyway, Melissa says ‘The No Bullshit photo one was at a hostel in Taman Negara, Malaysia. I guess that’s just how they advertise there and deal with other competitive companies…It was the cheapest and crappiest hostel as well so I’d have to disagree with their claim of no-bullshit…’
Well, the sign did grab my attention – I like the promise of ‘no middle man’ to help save you money! And the promise of ‘no bullshit info!’
I guess that if you’re after a competitive edge in a cut-throat business, you would be looking for any sort of strategy that would capture the eyeballs of your potential market. I would think this establishment would be a small operator who is finding any way to stand out from the crowd. And because this photograph was taken, I think it did its job! And now this photo is going all around the world! Just like the Shit For Sale sign!
However, I don’t think this hostel name is anywhere near as funny as the Fook Yew Hotel, also in Malaysia! (say it out loud! But maybe not to someone nearby otherwise you might cop a punch in the face!)
If you’re after other examples of truth in advertising, check out the Knockout Beer from India!