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Natural Viagra – Buy It Cheap in Cappadocia, Turkey

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Natural Viagra = Apricot and Nut Time!

Just in case you forget to bring those little blue tablets when you go travelling because one finds the urge a bit more difficult due to drinking way too much booze, go to one of these Natural Viagra stalls instead in Turkey – and you’ll find an ample substitute to the artificial stuff! Sometimes it’s also called Herbal Viagra.

The Turks have a great sense of humour, and this Natural Viagra stall is a classic example of that and the enterprising nature of the local businessmen!

Natural Viagra is lots of things!

Judging by the stall contents, ‘Natural Viagra consists of apricots, dates, nuts, and rolls of Kodak film… I wonder what would happen if men managed to ingest all of these products all at once? 

Natural Viagra In Cappadocia Turkey. Funny Travel Photo

You can view this stall if you go on a trek through the amazing and bizarre formations of Cappadocia. The Turks tend to have an entrepreneurial streak, and hence, this stall was set up along one of the main walks in the region.

I’m not sure why anyone would want to have an erection in the middle of a hike, but hey, there must be a market for it!

Ironically, Natural Viagra may possibly turn some devotees into one of Turkey’s main cult heros called Priapus!

I’m also not sure if the claims of the ‘Natural Viagra’ stand man are true, but if you are in the Cappadocia region, why not stop by the Natural Viagra stand to see if it works. If it doesn’t, you would have ingested some tasty and health apricots and nuts.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Priapus The Fertility God From Turkey - Funny Travel Souvenirs!


By the way, this stall reminds me of a very, very corny joke I heard. What’s the difference between light and hard? You can sleep with a light on…

The things guys will do to stay upright! Too funny!

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2 thoughts on “Natural Viagra – Buy It Cheap in Cappadocia, Turkey”

  1. Avatar Of Chinamatt

    Better than the “medicinal” liquors in Asia that are supposed to be good for virility. Snake and bird liquor in Vietnam? And, of course, the Chinese classic: “three penis wine” made from dogs, seals, deer, and who-knows-what else.

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