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Mystery Meat! Can You Guess What It Is?

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It’s Mystery Meat time!

It’s time to celebrate all that is deemed unusual to Westerners in regards to food in the world.

I love trying all sorts of weird food around the world – even though some of the time, I’m not quite certain of it’s origin!

But then again, sometimes you know exactly what you’re getting!

You know, stuff like the unwritten laws of Morocco Meat, pig intestines in Singapore, and chowing down on Guinea Pig in Peru.

I have a pretty strong stomach. I’ve given it a pounding with all sorts of stuff and many people who see the weird stuff a throw down my throat often dry reach when they watch me. I’ll try *almost* anything once!

But there was one time where I wasn’t so adventurous. And that’s when I was going on a stroll in the hills of Fiji. Anyway, we were cruising along on a rainforest walk when we came across a bunch of locals having a big meaty feed breakfast!

I really enjoy Fiji because the locals are extremely welcoming and want you to have a great time in their patch of the world. Their hospitality is genuine, and they even joke about their past by referring to themselves as ‘friendly cannibals!’.

Don’t worry, cannibalism died out ages ago! Fiji is one of the safest places I’ve visited.

Anyway, back to Fijian hospitality. When I first looked into the steel bowl, I saw this collection of something meaty!

Mystery Meat

I then looked into the river nearby and spotted a fresh pig carcass – and then realised that breakfast was indeed, most likely, pork innards!

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Mystery Meat – What Is It?

Who knows! Looks like it’s literally a mish mash of meat!

Of course, being friendly locals, I was offered breakfast, but even I couldn’t stomach the thought of eating this stuff!

I think I politely refused and mentioned I was already full from a big breakfast.

Anyway, check it out! I recorded a short video of the meat feast.


There you go!

There’s nothing like trying what the locals eat – but sometimes, it might be a good idea to abstain!

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