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Motorbikes For Kids – And The Rest Of The Family!

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Yay, it’s Masters of Transport And Logistics Time. And today, we’ve got a great photo from the Philippines about Motorbikes For Kids!

Well, what I really mean, is a motorbike that can transport a family of 5!

One thing that constantly amazes me about the third world is how people who have virtually nothing manage to conjure up inventive ways to live their lives – and that’s because of necessity.

They won’t ever have enough money to buy a car, so the next option will be a motorbike – which is a common sight all over Asia.

However, this means that this form of transport will be used to literally move anything – from livestock, to the weekly shopping, as well as being a multi purpose taxi for whoever needs a ride.

Previous examples of amazing motorcycle images I’ve used have included:

One of my mates has been hanging around Camiguin Island in the Philippines and he spotted some of the friendly locals just going about their day.

And this is a pretty normal sight there!

Motorbikes For Kids – And Everyone Else, All At The Same Time!

Look, riding with one hand!

Motorbikes For Kids

Yes, I’m impressed too. No helmets either. Probably because they can’t afford them because every last biit of the salary went into purchasing the bike.

I wouldn’t dare even attempt ride a motorbike anywhere (if you wonder why travel insurance premiums increase to cover potential incidents with these death traps, it’s because statistically they’re a high risk!) but moving around in this manner is scary, but cool at the same time.

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So if you think you’re having a bad day, think of this picture and what people risk to just get around the place!

Anyway, better get back to our first world problems!

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2 thoughts on “Motorbikes For Kids – And The Rest Of The Family!”

  1. Avatar Of Berry

    Using helmets should be made mandatory all over the world for the bike riders and it could be made only with the help of bike manufacturers who can include the price of a helmet with the bikes. Giving importance to a helmet means is to give importance to a precious life.

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