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Microlighting – Best Thing to do at Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe

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Microlighting at Victoria Falls – It’s Awesome!

Microlighting at Victoria Falls, at Zimbabwe and Zambia. This large amount of water is one of the most spectacular places in the world to visit – and you have to visit two countries to experience it!  Since the troubles of Zimbabwe has pretty much killed the tourist trade in that country, most of the infrastructure and facilities for visiting Victoria Falls now occur in Zambia.

A picture of Victoria Falls from the Zambian side is shown below.  If you look at the ledge on the left hand side and spot a small orange dot – that is a person covered in a raincoat. Yes, we are all that insignificant in the scheme of Planet Earth!


There’s all sorts of things you can do at Victoria Falls – you could possibly try and drown yourself in the Grade 5 rapids  by white water rafting, you can bungee jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge, and go for a twighlight booze cruise on the Zambezi River.

But there is something you should do – fly over Victoria Falls via a Microlight. This gives a fantastic panoramic view of the falls, but also provides a fascinating insight into the surrounding areas.

For example, you can see animals such as elephants and hippos from this high up.

Microlighting over Victoria Falls is a great way to blow well over a hundred bucks in 15 minutes, but it’s worth it!

Microlighting Photos at Victoria Falls

Check out some of the shots of Microlighting below:


Victoria Falls Elephants

Victoria Falls Microlight

More Microlighting Stuff

If you’re hooked, check out The A-Z of Microlighting.

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Other things to do in Zambia and Zimbabwe after Microlighting – marvel at the 230 million % inflation of the Zimbabwe Dollar, check out a rather morbid Coffin Workshop, and check out what people use for a Washing Machine.

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20 thoughts on “Microlighting – Best Thing to do at Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe”

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      No, there’s no way anyone will let you fly the microlight by yourself – there’s a pilot there and it’s a nice squeeze. But it’s definitely worth it. Flights can go for 15 or 30 minutes, but there’s nothing else like it!

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    We took the helicopter tour over the falls and it was fantastic. But that microlight looks awesome. To be out in the open with the wind in your face is a thrill ride of a life time I am sure! I have to say that Victoria Falls was one of our favorite places in Africa and it is one big adventure. We love the gorge swing and zip line but we didn’t get to do the booze cruise, we took a wine and cheese raft instead and were so disappointed. Everyone that came back to our lodge that night that went on the booze cruise looked like they had a blast!
    Amazing shots by the way.
    .-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..Wildlife Wednesday; Chobe National Park Botswana =-.

  2. Avatar Of African Safari Holiday

    Love the pics! I have a friend from Zambia and I’d love to visit the country because she always talked to me about how much she loves it there. There are a lot of places in Africa I would love to travel to but it’s just about finding the money.

  3. Avatar Of Ben

    hey i went to the falls they are awesome tried white water rafting , it was the best experience in my life . Victoria falls is one of those places where you tell yourself ” before i die……” I lived at the Zambezi Sun then later Royal Livingstone i must say, best hotels in southern Africa exquisite service and entertainment.

  4. Avatar Of Mark Benson

    The view from that high above is simply stunning and the ride in the microlight as well. Quite a lot of travellers take flights to Zimbabwe in order to discover the marvel of Mother Nature on earth, Victoria Falls.

  5. Avatar Of Turner

    wow. Just found this site and have been wanting to looking to microlighting for a long time. Didn’t realize Zambia was the spot. Matt Lauer miss that on Where in the World is Matt Lauer this year. (American TV show). Thanks for the info.

  6. Avatar Of Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

    This is f*** hilarious! I did microlight in Mexico above mountains where it was a bit dangerous cos of the strong winds, but it was the best. The views were not that amazing like u got in Victoria Falls tho so as I see, I will have to do it there too 🙂

  7. Avatar Of Aaryn

    I CAN’T WAIT!!! My boyfriend and I are going on the microlights end November – Next month! We’ve booked a morning flight around 8:30am. Is there a specific time that is better? Iether way, I’m sure the experience is going to be breath taking!

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