Note, this promotion has ended!
Lonely Planet needs no introduction.
Ever since the 1970’s, when Tony and Maureen Wheeler founded the company, they’ve been producing Travel Guide Books for ages that truckloads of people use.
I have a few battered copies of their guidebooks hanging around the place.
Anyway, I’ve had a chat to one of their people recently, and they asked me nicely to send out some info about their Traveller’s Pulse program – so here it is!
Lonely Planet Travellers Pulse

Basically, Lonely Planet wants to know what you think about current travel trends, and even the future of travel.
You’ll even score some free stuff if selected for the Traveller’s Pulse.
Here is the original announcement Lonely Planet wanted me to pass on:
Calling all travellers!
Lonely Planet invites you to join our Travellers’ Pulse Panel!
Our panel is a discussion forum where we engage travellers and listen to what you have to say about travel – where to go, how to plan, and other creative travel ideas. We’ve always got interesting topics up for you to comment on, like our current survey on what you’re looking for when you take a trip to a theme park.
Joining the panel is free and if you’re accepted to be a panelist, we’ll send you a free Lonely Planet 2010 calendar as a gift to welcome you on board! Not only will you get to talk about travel, but we regularly run promotions exclusively for panelists where you can win prizes like Lonely Planet products and Amazon gift cards.
If you’d like to join this panel (numbers are limited) all you need to do is click the link below and take a short survey to register. We’ll look at your responses and depending on your age, travel experience and country of residence you might be one of the people we’re looking for! The type of people we need on the panel changes from time to time, so if you aren’t suitable for our panel this time we may contact you to participate in future.
Click on the Lonely Planet Traveller’s Pulse Survey!
Thanks again!
The Lonely Planet Travellers’ Pulse team
There you go – stay tuned for more Funny Travel stuff next week!
yes lonely planet guide books are very nice and informative. i hope they will add more and more information in new destination. i wish best of luck
I’m a little confused about the Travellers Pulse Website. I’ve been accepted as a panelist and just received my free calendar in the mail today, but when I login, nothing really shows up on the homepage. No forums. No surveys. No graphics. Its just kinda blank. My cookies settings are fine, so that’s not the issue. Any idea? Or do you just get email notifications when new surveys and/or forums are available? Thanks for your help!
@Dona: Hi there! Don’t worry about the blank screen for now – once we’ve got a new survey available for you to take, you’ll get an email invitation to participate, and the link should show up on your log-in screen too. Enjoy the calendar and welcome to the panel!
@Carolyn. Great! Thanks for getting back to me!
.-= Dona´s last blog ..Destination Feature: Tarangire National Park, Tanzania =-.
Lonely Planet being the trusted name on travel guides across the world i know their forum will live live to their name. I always pick a copy of LP any time I am planning a vacation to a new destination abroad.
thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooou
.-= travel´s last blog ..M/S Sun Ray Nile Cruise =-.
Hey there, I think the Travellers Pulse Website is a great idea, I recommend it to all of our guests who are passing through Cairns. The general consensus is They Love It!
As do I.
Cheers, Tim.
this is a great idea and travel quotes for the new traveler i love it very much.
thank you….
seee u back again
Lonely Planet is trusworthy and it work as a good guide for all the travellers