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London Bridge – Is An Architectural Fail.. The Penis Shadow Bridge!

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London Bridge is… producing suggestive patterns…

Anyway, there are loads to things to do in London. A place that’s home to one of the world’s busiest airports is sure to receive a truckload of visitors that are going to see all of the things that London is famous for.

Anyone who has been there would have done all the cliches – you know, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, St Paul’s Cathedral, Covent Garden etcetera!

The place has a long history and it attracts a lot of visitors – to the point where there are a lot of tourist traps around!

But hey, it’s not a bad place to visit. And you’ll probably meet a lot of Australians there, plus pick up some funny British Slang!

Some of the more quirky things I’ve come across there that don’t necessarily make the guide book include the nightclub that was a Victorian era toilet, the eerily shrine like Cafe Diana, and some of the seedy medieval history way back when London must have been a bit of a cesspit to live in!

But there is one offbeat attraction that definitely won’t quite make a detailed description in any tourist brochure!

It’s the Westminster Bridge!

One of the many London Bridges People Walk On!

Huh you say? There are loads of bridges crossing the River Thames so that people can get around in this popular city.

Now, gazillions of people have walked across this particular bridge to see Big Ben whilst checking out the place. It also connects to the London Eye to the other side.

Westminster Bridge is shown below. I’m sure you’ve seen it before!

Big Ben And Houses Of Parliament London England

However, Westminster Bridge is also famous for another reason, but for something a bit less flattering.

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In the mid 2000s the bridge underwent a refurbishment and the iron fascias were replaced with some new concrete ones that possessed a new pattern.

The pattern is seemingly innocent – a three sided circular thingy which is repeated up and down the bridge on each side.

However, there is a phenomena that occurs that causes this unfortunate illumination:

London Bridge - Penis Shadows

This marvel only occurs when the sun is shining (which isn’t very often..) so you have to be there at the right time to witness this London marvel!

Hence, that’s why it’s colloquially called the ‘penis bridge’.

I’m not sure if the designers won any architectural awards for this quirk of design, but hey, it was definitely noticed!

If you’re after more phallic wonders of the world, check out:

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